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PASTOR GENERAL'S REPORT, November 14, 1979
Page 6
the Courts of California in bits and pieces at various levels...however,
....the applicant urges that your Honors seize the occasion before
further irreparable constitutional damage is done.
"The argument that a church is no different from an organization to pre­
vent cruelty to horses has so far prevailed, despite the clear mandate of
the First Amendment to the contrary.... "
--Committee to Defend the First Amendment Research Institute
" ...This is not an ordinary civil suit nor are these ordinary disputes
over the proper scope of discovery. Rather, the Attorney General has
mounted a direct assault on the Worldwide Church of God through the use
of ex parte receivership proceedings that threaten to destroy the Church
in its entirety.
"The Attorney General has already enjoyed unprecedented access to church
books and records during the pendency of the receivership. To allow that
access to broaden is to declare that First Amendment freedoms are auto­
matically dispelled whenever the Attorney General cries 'fraud.' That
cannot and should not be allowed to happen. It most certainly cannot
be what this Court had in mind when it stated recently that 'First Amend­
ment freedoms..."are protected not only against heavy-handed frontal
attack, but also from being stifled by more subtle governmental interfer­
ence."' Britt v. Superior Court, (1978)."
--National Council of Churches
"This case involving the Worldwide Church of God has implications for
First Amendment freedoms that the BAIC has been following with concern.
They feel that the case is centered around issues that go beyond this
one specific church, and that the decisions reached in reference to this
church will have profound impact on the freedom of operation for all
religious institutions in California."
--Berkley Area Interfaith Council
"The Table of this Council, both individually and collectively, represent­
ing a very broad spectrum of Protestant opinion here, joins with all the
emphasis we can command in urging the Court to hear these matters."
--Northern California Ecumenical Council
"The BJCPA is dismayed and concerned over the serious invasion of the
religious rights guaranteed by the First Amendment in the entire World­
�ide Church of God receivership proceeding. In fact, we see the actions
of the State as a largescale assault on religious liberty--an assault
which is well documented in court transcripts and documents as well as
in the press....
"We can make no other judgment of such allegations and the actions which
have sprung therefrom except that they are a blatant and unconstitutional
attempt of the State to deny religious liberty to the Worldwide Church of
God and, concomitantly, to deny that liberty to all religious organiza­
tions in California.... "
--Baptist Joint Committee for Public Affairs