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PASTOR GENERAL'S REPORT, November 14, 1979
Page 4
The lengthy news release continued to explain, "On the other hand, a
growing awareness on the part of responsible national groups of what
really is at stake in the litigation and how important it is to funda­
mental rights makes the alternative course of pressing forward equally
hazardous politically."
The leadership of God's Church has stood firm for our religious rights
because they are fully persuaded that, with God's help and blessing, truth
will ultimately prevail. And this boldness, perhaps misunderstood by
some, came out of conviction and was necessary to withstand the outrageous
claims to powers of office asserted by a state agency when its will was
being enforced by California's lower courts.
But unfortunately, fragmented and garbled news reporting has slowed the
public's comprehension of the real issues. Therefore, the Church had to
launch its own efforts to inform others who would have a vested interest
in this legal battle for religious freedom. As more and more became
aware of the facts and issues, one of the groups coming to our aid said
"It /this case/ may just be the most grievous assault on religion yet
mounted by a state in the history of this country."
Instead of reproducing all fifteen letters which have been sent to the
California Supreme Court, we have excerpted statements from a number of
them as a sample of the concern felt by all who have already stood up
to be counted. But first is a list of the groups which have come to our
aid thus far:
Organizations In Support of the Church
1. Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Los Angeles
2. National Council of Churches
3. United Methodist Church
4. Lutheran Church in America
5. Baptist Joint Committee for Public Affairs
6. Institute for the Study of American Religion
7. National Association of Evangelicals
8. Northern California Ecumenical Council
9. Berkeley Area Interfaith Council
10. Methodist Federation Fund
11. Alliance for the Preservation of Religious Liberty
12. Unification Church
13. American Civil Liberties Union of Southern California
14. Americans United for Separation of Church and State
15. Committee to Defend the First Amendment Research Institute
Excerpts From Letters of Support Sent to California Supreme Court
"The case giving rise to the subject petitions represents, in the opinion
of the Institute, the high-water mark of the backlash against organized
religious bodies, particularly the smaller and less well established ones,
which has resulted from the tragic events occurring in Jonestown, Guyana.
It may just be the most grievous assault on religion yet mounted by a
state in the history of this country •...
"The Institute is frankly incredulous that so bald and unabashed an inva­
sion of peronal rights would even be contemplated in this day and age,
let alone seriously asserted by a state on the one hand, or would, on
the other, be countenanced and enforced by the courts....