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the Church. Once in a while Mr. Helge would call me and we would consult.
I would give him my point of view or I would maybe tell him who he could
call to get some further help.
And yet the State, you see, again is trying to make out of Mr. Hel,Jc.:-
thing that he isn't. And they are totally baffled because they were told
Mr. Helge was my "partner." You see, they were told that, and so that is
what they believed. That's why they filed a lawsuit among other things,
and they named him as a defendant. But he never was a partner. I've never
stepped foot in his office, never....
The first time I ever met any one of his secretaries was when she came to
deliver papers sometime in March at my home. So it is hard for them to
understand how wrong they are about almost everything. That is a good
example of the information that they were given. They were told these
things because I had the foresight to tell Mr. Helge to demand a half a
million dollars out of escrow on the sale of the Big Sandy property,
because my sixth sense told me that these people who had come to buy it
would never come up with the money. (Don't ask me why I guessed it. It's
just one of those things from years of experience. You sense whether it
rings true Jr not.)
So I said to Mr. Helge, "You get a half a million dollars outside of
escrow, nonrefundable, in the event that they cannot complete the purchase.
If they do complete the purchase, then the half a million dollars will go
against the purchase price." And he said, "Oh, we'll never get it." Then
I said to Mr. LaRavia, "You go down there and you tell them they'll never
get our signature on the piece of paper without it." So we got the half a
million dollars.
Since then they have reneged on the deal because they don't have the money
to go forward. So we earned a half million dollars in the process. And,
of course, our Accounting Dept. can tell you where the money went. But
the state still thinks the money went into Mr. Helge's pocket. And because
he was my "partner," I should have gotten at least half of it, if Mr.
Helge gave me a fair deal.
I thank you all for being here again today.
not be here.
I'm sorry Mr. Armstrong could
Things are moving again after the Feast and we are pleased to welcome
everybody back to work. We are looking forward to our most effective year
ever in Publishing, at the start of what is also a new year for all of us
here. Good things are in the pipeline and it looks like next year will
also be very busy, judging by the new publications which are already
The PLAIN TRUTH reader questionnaires are still coming in. We have started
to tabulate the results, which are proving very interesting.
--Roger Lippross