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The Spanish Department has released the results of a promotional letter
sent to 28,900 La PURA VERDAD readers over the past year. The readers
in 17 different countries were offered the booklet "Que es un Verdadera
Christiano?" (What is a True Christian?) and the Correspondence Course.
At the same time the letter pointed out that the Worldwide Church of God
sponsored La PURA VERDAD and that if they wanted further information about
the organization, or perhaps had questions better answered by one of our
representatives in person, we had a local minister in the area who would be
pleased to call on them, if invited.
The service provided by the ministry was stressed without any pressure
towards direct affiliation with the Church. 5.5% (985) requested a
the total
response for either literature or a
visit totalled an outstanding 28.8%.
Notable overall responses came' from El Salvador, Chile, N.E. Mexico, and
the Dominican Republic (all above 22%), while Panama, Chile, El Salvador,
Costa Ri�a and the Dominican Republic brought in the highest visit re­
sponses. It is estimated that these visits will add an additional 200 PMs
in due course, and will necessitate the establishment of several new Bible
Studies before too long.
Cameroon (West Africa)
The Worldwide Church of God now has, for the first time, a minister
resident in the Cameroon. Mr. Ray Clore and his wife, Rhonda, have just
moved to the capital, Yaounde, to serve there with the U.S. Embassy.
As an ordained elder of the Church who speaks English and French, he
will be able to serve both the 14 English and 51 French-speaking members
in this bilingual, but predominantly French-speaking country.
Excerpts from two recent letters to Mr. Apartian, Director of the French
Work, are reproduced here:
Greetings from Cameroon! ...
Yaounde is really a very pleasant place. The climate is !Uprisingly
cool compared to Haiti /where he was assigned previously/ and there
are many verdant hills all around. One does not feel crowded
Yaounde--and even the roads are good and smooth.
We had church services today in M. In. Paul Njarnta's house with
about 25 people. I talked about two hours on "ice-breaker" type
subjects--the Church/State situation in California, what I hoped for
Cameroon, etc. Afterwards we had a nice dinner that was as fine as
in any good French restaurant. M. Njamta is a deacon here who works
in a band and also sees to it that brochures are delivered to those
who request them, visits persons who write in, and handles the Church
finances here..•.
The main problem, as you're aware, is the lack of official recognition