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Now the U.S. mails have been used. Phony letters have been sent around,
and some of you have received them. The FBI is now involved in all of
these things. So all of it will come out.
If the people are already out
of the Church, Mr. Armstrong himself is not much concerned. Nor am I,
for that matter. But if we have some people still pretending to be loyal
servants of God, it's a big difference. I've told Mr. Armstrong witchhunts
have always been unsuccessful, but as long as we are involved now in
litigation and these agencies have been chasing us, as they learn that
we're not the ones that should have been chased, but there are other people
out there who have broken the law and have led them on a merry chase, they
will be very vindictive.
So with that in mind, I think you can see that we're all working very,
very hard to protect the Church and at getting these government agencies
and people turned around so that the facts get to them in sufficient
quantity and quality so they know full well that we wear the white hats,
and that there are people out there who wear black hats...• People don't
realize what they get involved in when they even start a lawsuit, and they
certainly didn't realize what they got involved in when they attacked the
Work of the Living God!
Mr. Arms-t:.rong stated it very simply there on filrn--"Like a fly attacking
a lion." That's what happened. Once it starts it reveals very much. As
I've said, there is nothing they can say about us that hasn't already been
said, and we know it's all untrue, and we have the evidence to prove it.
Now as we find out who said it, what it was based on, and what their
motives are, it makes a very, very big difference. So we will be in the
final analysis totally vindicated••.•
The Big Sandy Nonsale
There has been one other interesting byproduct of my entire experience in
this suit. And that is (it
s hard to believe, but it's true) I had never
dined with Mr. Helge prior to this lawsuit. And now I've gotten to know
him real well, and that has been a great blessing because he is one of
the finest people I have ever met. But although we had known one another
for almost 20 years and had worked on occasion rather closely by telephone,
I had never had the time to even break bread with him. And now, of course,
we see each other constantly, so that is a tremendous blessing for me....
But it's kind of interesting because there is another anomaly. Mr. Helge
is a defendant. And there is a "law firm" called Rader, Helge and Gerson.
But that is all it is, it's a name. There has never been a firm, "Rader,
Helge and Gerson.
There has never been a bank account. There have never
been any fees collected. Never been any fees billed in that name. The
State can't believe that is the case. They still think that Mr. Helge has
gold bullion stacked up someplace and that he has received fees and what
have you, in Rader, Helge and Gerson, and they keep requisitioning papers
and documents from them which are nonexistent.
The facts are Mr. Helge has been a fully-paid employee of the Church or the
College from the first day he stepped foot in Pasadena. He has never been
in private practice and has always been, you might say, the head of the
Legal Department of the institution. If we were to play "Password" in the
Pasadena area, whenever a legal matter came up, it would automatically be
re rred to Mr. Helge, never to me. I was never acting as a lawyer for