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received heretofore in the California court system, we might have brought
him on two or three months earlier because we would have had that much
more time to educate the court. And that's what it amounts to: We have to
not only beat the Attorney General, which we will, but we must also educate
all the judges in the state.
And we will do that. That's exactly what
we will do by the time this matter is behind us, so don't feel in any way
concerned if a lot of the case, from a technical standpoint or procedural
standpoint, goes by you, because believe me, it goes by the judges and most
lawyers cannot comprehend it....
So, we will try to use terms in our reports that convey the full meaning of
the case, and you in turn can use whatever language you think is necessary
if further refinements have to be made to get the brethren to understand
and appreciate the complexities.
But it will probably be a longer fight
rather than a shorter one, for the simple reason the State has much too
much to lose by just simply leaving the field, and if they leave the field
now, the damages /which would stand to be paid to us by the Stat�/ would be
immense! ...
Treasury Dept. Apologizes for Chasing Mr. Armstrong
Several years ago, because of some false allegations that were lodged with
the customs people, they chased Mr. Armstrong and the G-II, and the Falcon,
around the world--kind of like a Keystone Cops comedy. And, of course,
they never found anything because there was nothing to find. They finally
had to apologize to us.
And by a coincidence, the Undersecretary of the Treasury at that time in
the Ford Administration was a former law student of mine. I didn't
recognize the name when I went into his office to receive the final apology
from the Treasury which, of course, is responsible for customs. He said,
"Mr. Rader, I have to apologize on behalf of the Treasury, but I want you
to understand something. This could happen again. The allegations were
all false. They were all without foundation. We have spent a lot of time
and a lot of money and a lot of energy, and we have had that proved to us
in spades. But remember, the Church is in the public eye. And there are
people who are determined to hurt you. And therefore, they will make false
allegations of one kind or another with us or other agencies. And I can't
promise you that it won't happen again." And, of course, he was correct....
The Truth Must Prevail
Once this thing began, we were determined to see to it that the truth pre­
vailed, and we are using all of the muscle that we have to bring the truth
out. �r. Armstrong is not at all shy anymore about stating that he wants
to see that the people who have brought this visitation upon the Church, if
they are still within the Church, be taught a lesson for what they have
So we are moving across the board. we have not been concentrating in just
one area. We have private investigators working around the clock. We have
30-year former FBI people working around the clock.
I have received many
death threats. Mr. Armstrong has received threats of the same kind. They
are threatening my life, threatening his life. The FBI is on top of that.
They are looking for fingerprints.