© 2013 Church of God Faithful Flock
Divine Healing-"healing direct by a miracle from
ALMIGHTY GOD, as a result of believing PRAYER."
Letters from those in God's Church that have received DIVINE HEALING


For the past two years, I was very sick with cancer and unable to work. Ten months ago, I was given three months to live. The tumor in my stomach was eleven inches in diameter, and my right kidney was crushed. I had lost 45 pounds. But with a change of diet and God's help, I have survived.

Two and a half years ago, when this cancer was first diagnosed, I refused to go into the hospital for treatment. I changed my diet and was doing fine, holding my own until almost a year ago. When I could no longer stand the pain, with coaxing from my family, I was admitted to the hospital.

Because of the tumor's huge size, the only thing the doctors could do was treat it with radiation and chemotherapy. They could not operate. I was anointed by the local minister.

The radiation treatments began. The doctors could not tell me how many treatments I would have to endure. The night before the 19th treatment and then during that treatment, I prayed to God: "Father, you know more about radiation than any doctor could ever know. If it be your will, please help me to get well for I have not learned enough about your ways. I have only been in the Church a very short time. I would like some time to learn more."

When the day came for the 20th treatment, the doctors found after checking me, that the tumor had disappeared. After three x-rays and four ultra-sound tests, they found no tumors, and my right kidney was back to normal as if nothing ever happened!

To date, I have gained back 40 pounds and am no longer under a doctor's care. The cancer is gone. The blood count is okay.
