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What Our Readers
What Plaln Truth la
All About
I'm really impressed by the
The Plain Truth
1) gets
people's attention by writing
about serious problems, 2)
shows why we have the prob–
lem, and 3) shows how the
problem will be solved when
God's Kingdom is set up. The
gospel of the Kingdom of God
really gets preached and is
shown to be relevant to and the
solution of
kinds of man–
made problems.
Gary W. Clotb
Arlington, Virginia
1 write this
express my
appreciation and thankfulness.
1 am amazed and touched by
most of your articles. There are
cases when 1 cannot agree with
your views , but then
have always been infor–
mative and helped me broaden
my scope of situation in this
world. l really like to thank you
and all concerned for all that l
have received and yet to receive
in future.
A Sukumaran
Bentong, Pahang,
West Malaysia
The latest issue has outdone
itself. You have spoken out on
street crime, abortion, smoking,
pollution, false religion, homo–
sexuality, evolution, Bible illit–
eracy, weather, food perversion,
divorce, juvenile delinquency
and, as always, shown God's
loving answers to man's dilem–
Fred Mahony
Cbicago, lllinois
Famlly and Flnancea
Thank you very much for
your article " The Neglected
Key to Personal Prosperity." I
could identify very well with
what was stated, especial!y with
the consequences 1 have paid
for being divorced.
1 would like to explain brief–
ly how your article ties in with
my status in life. Even though 1
have no children, my marriage
breakup has had a nightmarish
etfect. God has forgiven me,
but the penalty is still there.
1 have been going around for
months with a lack of real solid
direction. 1
the responsi–
bility of being a husband, pro–
vider and eventually the respon–
sibility of father.
To have moved back in with
my parents at age 30 is also
another step "down." God has
been using this period in my
life as a means for self-exami–
nation or correction. But He
does it in \ove.
When we have the means to
overcome, there is hope. More
hope has just been given to me
by means of your article. 1 now
know in reading your article
what the problem has been. l
am glad l have God's Spirit to
help me.
Richard Markland
Arcanum, Obio
World'a Economlc Problema
1 am a Filipino subscriber of
The Plain Truth
since Septem–
ber, 1980. 1 appreciate Donald
D. Schroeder for his article
"World's Economic Prob–
lems- How they will be
solved." Thank you very much
for featuring it. 1 used this arti–
cle as my reference in my
Social Studies subjects.
is a
religious magazine, yet a maga–
zine of education.
Ronnie Gangao
Aldersgate College
New Readera
1 am writing in appreciation
to you and your magazine,
Plain Truth.
1have received two
issues since 1 subscribed to it,
and have found it informative in
political issues, medica! issues,
as well as religious matters.
Being a sociology major, l
have found
The Plain Truth
be extremely helpful with my
research. Recently in my
Human Sexuality class, a stu–
dent reported on Herpes Sim–
plex 1 and 11. Her precise and
much-needed information was
taken from your magazine.
Being that Herpes Simplex is
relatively new to our society, our
class had little or no information
on the subject.
Again thank-you for your
most informative magazine. As
you can see, it not only helped
one student, but many! In the
future, 1 shall look forward to
receiving my magazine by mail
for enrichment mentally, spiri–
tually, and emotionally.
Diana L. Bell
Mount Holly,
Nortb Carolina
1 am a new reáder of your
magazine and already 1 have
gotten so absorbed in it that it
isn't coming fast enough for me
to read. Your magazine is the
most educational inspiring kind
of literature that is out on the
market. For being free it can't
be beat!
B.E.J. Gatcbie
McKeesport, Pennsylvania
1 am a prisoner presently
incarcerated here at this correc–
tional center. I've recen ti y
become a subscriber of your
Plain Truth
magazine for
six months now. 1 seldom
respond to a magazine, but l
really appreciate your thought–
ful concern to allow every and
anyone a free subscription to
your magazine. 1 now want to
express my personal thanks to
be on your mailing list, and also
wish to Jet you know that 1 sin–
cerely enjoy reading your mag–
has contributed to my
spiritual awareness and adds
special meaning to my personal
life in many ways .
Roy Lee Belle
Hominy, Oklaboma
Origina of Llfe
1 would like to thank you very
much for Mr. (William] Sten–
ger's article concerning the ori–
gins of life. This is only one of
many fine articles printed over
the years in your magazine
which refutes the theory of evo–
As 1 am a pharmacist, 1 have
been reared in a scientific back–
ground. And the sad fact is that
our educational sytem-from
elementary school through the
higher universities-demands
that students take for .granted
that the THEORY of evolution is,
indeed, a FACT!
Herbert W. Armstrong has
very accurately described the
scientific community when he
says that scientists are the most
of people when it comes
to making measurements and
gathering data; but are the most
of people when it comes
to postulating theories (guesses)
about that data.
lf one would only look
bias-at all the
FACTS, he would have no alter–
native but to throw the theory of
evolution out the window!
But why is it that scientists
cling so tenaciously to such an
irrational theory? Why do they
never consider the "other" pos–