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that makes sense in light of the
FACTS? In other words, why do
they never consider the Creator
The answer is plainly given in
the first chapter of the book of
Romans: " ... they did not like
to retain God in thei r knowl–
edge ... " (verse 28).
d id they do this? As
shown in verses 21-22, they did
so because of their own VANJTY:
They "became
in their
imaginations, and their foolish
heart was darkened. Professing
themselves to be
became fools"!
Mike McDaniel
Colonial Heights, Virginia
Correspondence Course
can't wait to receive your
Ambassador College Corre–
spondence Course, especially
after reading the article on
" What's Your Bible
Lisa Oiff'ord
Woodland Pa rk, Colorado
Roots of Juvenlle Crlme
was par ticularly interested
in the article on "Stopping
Juvenile Crime at its Roots";
with special interest in the
report on the Glueck studies.
As a retired teacher,
recognize the validity of tbeir
and your findings; and the
bankruptcy of so much modern
sociol ogical teaching. T he
greatest weakness of the :latter
think, in the open or per–
haps unrealized subscription of
such "intellectuals" to a Mar–
xian phi losophy (which tries to
attribute human behavior prob–
lems primarily to economic and
political bases with subsequent
holding that such behavior can
be changed by changing such
economic and political environ–
ments through varying degrees
of governmental intervention–
views that have surely proved
complete fallacies) .
Probably much of the moti–
vation behind such intellects'
conclusions comes from the
fi rst of the Seven Deadly Sins,
Pride- t heir ego-contempt for
solid established elders' cus–
toms and laws. They see them–
selves as a sort of e l ite
appointed to lead what they
consider the stupid masses to
Utopía (in their views sorne
vague socialistic dictato rship
under their cont rol and d irec–
tion). Unfortunately much of
our societ y confuses schooling
with real education.
Harold Jacobs
San Francisco, California
Freedom of lnformatlon
Your c ritica! appraisal of
recent moves by UNESCO to
create a new world information
order was, to say the least, stim–
ulating and thought-provoking,
especially to sorne of us who
favour the free ftow of informa–
am a student-journalist and
have over the years paid partic–
ular interest to the bickerings
within and outside UNESCO
about international news cen–
We are living in a world
fraught with untold "malprac–
tices" and sufferings, part ly
perpetuated by human frail ties,
however. And
presume only a
free and utrfetfered press could
he lp to reve rse the "anoma–
lous" situation. Should aban be
imposed on the free flow of
informatiqn, as your article
suggests that UNESCO has
attempted to do,
and basten to draw the rash
conclusion that the world would
be plagued by more chaos, suf–
ferings and disastrous disasters.
And the education and vital
information we get from a free
press will ultimately be obliter–
Zac Angafor
Personal f rom Editor
May 1 be permitted to com–
ment on the Personal in your
magazine, namely " Biood,
Sweat and Tears" by Mr. H.W.
1 pres ume that the vast
majority of the finances that go
to produce
The Plain Truth
come from tithes, and as you
have so rightly shown us. Tithe
money never ever did belong to
us co-workers.
belongs to
God the very moment it comes
into our possession; and it
would be a felony and a sin
against God to keep one penny
A certain percentage of
church monies do indeed come
from new readers and nonmem–
bers as voluntary offerings and
are freely given from the heart.
But it would be wrong to deny
t hat co-workers and members
ought to say of themse lves:
"We have done no more than
our duty" (Luke 17: 10) .
You have taught ·and experi–
ence has proved such giving is
t he most rewarding of invest–
ments-it does literally pay
handsomely to tithe and to give
freely. So all those realising this
do so with joyfulness and glad–
ness (Deut. 28:47) .
Andrew Mar tin
Percy Isla nd, QLD
" SIIent Holocaust"
pass onto you my
belated congratulations for
your magnificent presentation
"Silent Holocaust." The article
motivated me to make sorne
points of my own under the fol–
lowing heading: Parallels Be–
tween a Wartime Mass Mur–
derer and on Abortion Doctor
l . 8 oth have enjoyed the
taci t approval
at least,
of the
majority of the population.
2. 8oth are responsible for
the deaths of many human
8 oth would earnestly
insist of their innocence of
crimes against humanity-after
all they only acted on orders.
The victim is utte rl y
d efenceless having been
stripped of all legal rights and
8oth manifest an obvious
brutal dis regard for human
6. There is no memorial ser–
vice for the dead-the remains
are so much refuse.
7. A change in government
and a new social order in Nazi
Germany was necessary befa re
her war criminals were recogni–
sed as such- a new enlightened
age must envelop this earth
before full realisation dawns of
what society is doing through
Maxwell D. McFeat
Pakuranga, Auckland
We take this apportunity to
mention that one photo in
Jackie Knapp's photo essay
accompanying the recent arti–
cle "How Ch ildren Should Be
Born" was first published in
Crisis In Educatlon
A copy of your article "The
Crisis in Public Education–
And What You Can Do About
was forwarded to me by a
home schooler here in New Jer–
was very refreshing to
hear someone agree with what
we have been saying, that par–
ents are responsible for the edu–
cation of their children and
ought to accept that responsi–
bility in whatever way they see
as best.
enjoyed reading the
Nancy Plent
Fa rmingdale, New Jersey
Editor's Note: In the Junef
P lain Truth
Marshner, an educational ex–
pert and researcher, was incor–
rectly associated wit h the
American Enterprise lnstitute.
In reality, Connie Marshner
works at the Free Congress
Having read your article, it is
to see that you are right–
wing biased.
have recently
read a book by a 8 ritish woman
doctor who was tortured by the
rightwing government because
she helped to dress the wounds
of the left-wing supporters.
would say that her experience
was a fairly truthful "on the
spot" reality.
N.P. Haughton
Haslemere. Surrey
• The Plain Truth
does not
condone any substantiated ac–
count of physica/ abuse. Our
article purposely did not
engage in any arguments about
al/eged torturing and civil
rights abuses of either the
present government or the pre–
vious regime. Reader Haugh–
ton might be interested to
know that the former Allende
government extended an invita–
tion to Editor in Chief Herbert
W. Armstrong to visit Chile.
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