by free moral choice, God had to
allow Satan to have contact with the
first human couple. He had to see
which way they would choose to go.
Very quickly, Satan injected into
the first woman's mind the false
idea that God had lied to them. Eve
was deceived into steal ing from
God, and Adam, dropping his God–
ordained leadership role, weakly
followed his wife anyway.
The firsl human couple rebelled
against their Maker and look some–
lhin.g that was not theirs. They had
decided to experiment with knowl–
edge, lo take upon themselves the
prerogative of determining what is
good and whal is evil. This was all
symbolized by the "tree of the
knowledge of good and cvil."
Suddenly lheir minds had an
added and different attitude. They
were embarrassed to discover they
were naked. They hid from God.
When God asked why they hid,
Adam replied, " 1 was a fraid
because 1 was naked" (Genesis
Thc Hcbrew root for the
used here implies bare–
ness in a bad or negative way.
God answered, "Who told you
that you were naked?" (verse 11 ).
Only Satan had talked to
them. But he had conveyed to them
the idea that they ought to be
ashamed about the way God had
created them, about their sexual ity
and sex 'differences. Satan is the orig–
inator of the idea that sex is intrinsi–
cally evil, dirty and shameful.
This is how wrong sexual alti–
tudes and feelings among humans
first began!
Ever since, Salan has worked in
human cultures lo pervert human
altitudes, emotions and relationships.
He has implanted in human minds
selfish moods and altitudes so that
human beings think these moods or
feelings are only inborn human feel–
ing. Sorne human minds, duringearly
childhood, have accepted wrong
moods or feelings of attraction lo lhe
same sex.
starts so early in sorne
that many homosexuals and lesbians
think these are lotally inborn human
Devll-d eceived Cul tures
Adam and Eve were driven from
the Garden of Eden and from con–
tact with God's Spirit. Ever since,
humanity, as a whole, has been cut
off from God's Spirit, which would
have guided them in the right ways
of living and to Life itself.
Mankind was given 6,000 years
to develop his cultures under
Satan's sway and experience lhe
results. The terrible resulls are
recorded in the Bible, and, fre–
quently, secular history. Human
beings today are merely repealing
these ugly experiences of previous
generations-though we like lO
think of many of them as new.
Through the ages God has called
a few people to walk in His ways.
God gave His laws and inspired lhe
( ll
Timothy 3: 16) for a spe–
cial nation- the family of Is rael–
so mankind would not be tolally
without knowledge of the way they
should live, so they could, if they
wanted to understand , find the
of human problems.
Most humans have rejected such
knowledge. Many educated don't
believe there are fallen spiril beings
influencing and deceiving all
humanity (Revelation 12:9); lhey
don't believe that Satan is lhe
unseen ruler and god of this world
(11 Corinthians 4:4).
But the apostle Paul revealed,
contrary to the enlightened educa–
tion of this world, how Satan
injects his wrong attitudes, desires
and emotions into unwary minds:
" ... in time past ye [now con–
verted Christians] walked accord–
ing to the course of this world,
according to the
prince of the
power of the air,
the spirit that now
worketh in
the children of disobe–
With what results? " ... [fulfill–
ing] the lusts of our Aesh, fulfilling
the desires of the Aesh and of the
mind" (Ephesians 2:2-3). There are
no inborn limits or controls to the
human mind but that which an
or chooses to
Here are the damaging moods,
desires and attitudes produced by
Satan's "get" way in those who yield
to them: "Now the works of the flesh
are manifest ... : Adultery, fornica–
tion [sexual immorality], unclean–
ness [any physical, moral or sexual
uncleannessJ, lasciviousness, idola–
try ... halred ... strife ... envy–
ings, murders, drunkenness, revell–
ings and such like ..." (Galatians
5:19-21 ).
Satan and his host inspire alti–
tudes of rebellion, selfishness and
lust in human beings. They can
insinuate wrong thoughts and
desires in minds tbat are vulnerable
lo them, even young children. Bul
not everyone is equally vulnerable.
How any one person responds to
various thoughts o r emolions
depends upon his culture, upon bis
upbringing and experiences, upon
his learning and internalized val–
ues, upon the st rength of character.
In short ,,an individual's sexual feel–
ings and values depend upon whal
thoughts and emotions are develop–
ed or allowed in his mind from
infancy on.
Ho w Sexua l Sin Ente ra
Wrong and damaging emotional
and sexual feelings take root in
each human mind because humans
do not resist them.
Sorne wrong
experiences leave deep impressions.
Other misleading emotions, feel–
ings and desires, repeated enough,
become deeply learned and condi–
lioned in lhe human mind.
" Habits are at first cobwebs,
lhen cables," goes an oid Spanish
proverb. Satan well understands
this deep conditioning in human
minds and emotions. He works to
thwart God's purpose through
Though many den y i t, all
humans become, in one way or
another, the slaves of deceptive
sins, pleasures and feelings (John
8:34, Hebrews 3: 13). They can't
shake or escape them all.
takes st rong spiritual power
from God, as well as high human
motivation and effort, to break the
damaging cables of wrong thinking
and feeling and then learn the right
thinking and emotions revealed in
lhe law of God.
A person's most important sex
organ is his or her
a person is properly guided in
youth by example and teaching lo
respecl the opposite sex, and is pre–
pared to serve and love other human
beings, that person can develop a
right heterosexual desire.
But sex education and emotional
feelings are not primarily learned by
formal instruction. Sex education and
emotional feelings about sex start
from infancy with the way parents
and other influential persons treat