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affect a, person's view of
usually carries high
different persons,
chief determinan! of
himself or herself-his
implications in one's
thoughts, sights or
sexual preferences. Most
masculinity or her
objects lo become
sex researchers
femininity- and in turn
Sexual orientation
eroticized in their mind .
recognize that although
affect emotional
means, "1 am a male (or
sex hormones influence
responses to environment female) and my sexual
Role of Ho rmones
sex organ and glandular
and personal
attraction is . .. (female).
Research has uncovered
development, tissue
experiences. lnherited,
(male ), (both), (other). "
no chromosomal
structure and strength of
constitutional or emotional
"The direction of a
differences between
the sex drive, they are
characteristics, while not
person's sex li te is
homosexuals and
not the primary
finally determining
determined primarily by
heterosexuals. Effeminate
determinan! of sexual
heterosexual or
and by how
men also have no
homosexual interests.
he responds to a host of
chromosomal differences
extra male sex
often have significan!
experiential events !in
with normal heterosexual
hormone (testosterone) is
influence on the
lite]," writes C. A. Tripp
given to a man
heterosexual or
( The Homosexual Matrix,
Homosexuals and
- heterosexual or
homosexual person one
page 17, emphasis
effeminates have been
homosexual - it will (most
becomes, such as
added). This statement
found to have sex
likely) increase his sex
dominan! or passive, bold summarizes the
ho rmone levels within the
drive, but it has no
o r shy.
,;..predominan! view among
same ranges as those
influence on his choice of
Gender roles are most
sex researchers today.
found in exc lusive
sex objects. lnjected
easily transmitted in
Most men and women
estrogen, the femal e sex
cultures with a definite
are heterosexual, as
(Homosexuals sometimes
hormone , will reduce sex
tradition for each sex. But opposed to bisexual,
point to small-scale
drive in a man, but it will
not all individuals in a
because their religious
studies that have found
not affect his sexual
culture have precisely the and social traditions
sorne differences in
same influences and
directly support this kind
hormone levels between
Sorne researchers are
experi ences in their lives.
o f mateship and fam_ily
homosexuals and
endlessly dedicated to
They do not use their
living. In such cultures,
heterosexuals, but
devising tests and
minds in the same ways.
innumerable overt and
·these findings have not
methods of discovering a
lndividuals may be
indirect messages
proven to have
geneti c or biological
influenced, taught or
inform impressionable
consistency . Hormone
factor for sexual
choose to follow patterns youths and adults to have levels in humans alter at
aberrations- at least in
of lite other than the
their expectations and
various times because
sorne individuals.
expected norm.
interests channeled
of various stresses in
God gave us His
toward heterosexuality.
revelation-the Bible-so
Learned Orlentation
But human cul tures
we could know the
Comprerending one's
vary in the sexual
scientists cut off from the
spiritual, nonbiological
gender aoes not
practices and values they revelation of God-with
causes ot
automatically establish
allow or encourage.
sex hormones injected
problems and do what
one's sexual orientation,
Humans within any culture into humans indicate
is required to change
although one's gender
or family can allow
hormones are not the
unclothed they were unashamed
(Ge nesis 2:25).
God became the first great sex
educator! He instructed: "There–
fore shall a man leave his father
and mother, and shall cleave unto
h is wife : and they shall be one
fl esh" (Genesis 2:24).
and receive apprec¡atiOn, affection
and love from anothcr human to be
happy and fulfilled, to fill an empti–
ness in life. T hat is why God
created woman.
for more than human reproduction.
is intended to unite a couple in
love and respect in a way shared
with no other and to build stable
famili es.
Marriage between a proper ly
prepared male and fema le is the
God-orda ined sexual or ien tat ion
and context of sexual relations.
God knows the emot ional needs
of human beings. He said it was
' 'not good that the man should be
alone" (Genesis 2: 18). Understand
this point.
is critical! God knew
that the human maJe needs to g ive
19~ 1
But God designed the human
fema le also to need to receive
appreciation and give it, to share in
affect ion and love for other humans
and to be fulfi lled. T hat is why God
created the
family- a
relationship. To establish a family
there is the need for sexual attrac–
tion. T hat is why God c reated
sex- made man mate and female.
God ordained sex, o r marital
love, as the proper use of the sex
drive. Sex in the marriage bond is
In His first sex instruction, God
taught that marriage
for persons
mature and self-d isciplined enough
to leave parents and successfull y
establish a separate home. Parents
are to teach appreciation of God's
ways to their children by thei r
example. That takes maturi ty of
mind. lmpressionable youths need
mature parents to understand the
way to true success and happiness.
But in His plan to allow humans
the opportunity to build character