Research Has Found...
M odern sex
is, " 1am male," or "1 am learns its primary sexual
researchers and
female .' '
identity. lt develops
biologists may differ on
"What the chi ld is
gradually from
the role of heredity in
taught !or learnsJ
innumerable social inputs
human sexual behavior.
concerning gender
and reinforcements in its
But all do agree on the
identity transcends the
particular environment.
importance of individual
effects of chromosomes,
(Unfortunately, this
learning and conditioning
hormones and other
gender learning can be
in human sexual behavior.
physiological factors ' '
distorted as in
The predominant role in
(Heatth-Man in a
causing humans to
Changing Environment. by gender identification.)
develop their sexual
Benjamín A. Kogan, M.O..
Gender Role
orientation and attitudes
Dr. Ph., page 490).
about sex is not biologic
Gender identity, the
As a child grows in early
sense of one's sex, is
preschool years, even up
Genetlc Flrst Step
largely influenced by the
into early adolescent
way parents and other
years, it learns its gender
When the male sperm
influential persons
role. A male and female
and female egg unite at
respond to the child:
come to understand from
conception , the individual
what they name the child , their culture, from
inherits a biologic sex.
how they treat. handle,
parental role models or
The female ovum (egg
clothe the child.
other persons' values and
cell ) provides what is
expectations they voice
altitudes what are the
called the
to the child, with whom
appropriate duties,
determinant chromosome.
the boy or girl is
functions, mannerisms
The male provides
encouraged to identify.
and altitudes expected of
chromosome sperm.
Aspects of the child's
males and females in
lf an
sperm unites
own personality may
their culture.
with the ovum, the result
affect the altitudes and
Not every male or
is female
(XX) ;
if a
responses of parents and female trait or ability is
sperm unites, the result is
be reflected back to the
totally learned! of course.
(XY) .
(Gross genetic
Men and women have
male / female aberrations
Usually a fundamental
different muscular and
are rare.)
sense of one's gender is skeletal structure,
But a child must still
established by two years (usually) different
learn its gender identity in
of age . A child is not
metabolism, different sex
his or her own mind; that
conscious of how it
organs, different hormone
and emotional
levels-even different
sizes of some organs in
common such as heart,
lungs (men's bigger), and
liver and kidneys
(women's bigger). Men's
and women's voices,
dexterity and perception
psychology usually differ.
Only men can
impregnate. Only women
can lactate, gestate and
Males, in general, are
more muscular and
physically stronger than
females (but there is
significant overlap);
females are softer, more
maternal in their interests,
emotions and feelings.
Each sex's inherited
physical and emotional
capacities, or levels of
feeling, make it easier for
them to respond to and
fulfill functions or
strengths of their biologic
Yet within each sex
there are differences in
body size and shape,
muscular development,
temperament and
emotional levels, in
mental abilities - things
that cause individual
personality and
appearan.ce differences.
These shadings of
differences may deeply
the posi t ion and welfare of others,
as well as concern for oneself.
God's laws define what !ove is.
Lucifer's rebellion caused his
name lo be changed to Salan mean–
ing l he Adversary. Salan reasoned
the "get" way was what he wanted.
is the att ilude of being your own
aut hority of righl and wrong. l t is
l he way of lust, doing whatever
seems pleasing a nd exciting to
you- experimenting with things to
see if there is a better way than
God's way. Happiness, Satan rea–
soned, is getting all you can for
yourself. He became a competitor
with God.
through free moral agency, God's
own character in human beings and
bring them into the God
The account of lhis marvellous pur–
pose for humans begins in Genesis
and the great purpose God had in
creating it. Satan did not have sex
(Mark 12:25). He could not repro–
duce, bul he could sway human
mi nds with h is attitudes a nd
T hen God planned to create,
" Let us make man in our image,
after our likeness," said the Creator ·
(Genesis 1:26). Th ink of it! God is
reproducing Himself1 Human exis–
tence is merely a physical, chemical
existence. This earth is lhe t raining
and testing ground for l he produc–
t ion of godly characler. (This is
explained more thoroughly in our
f r ee book let
Why Were You
Satan resented human sexuality
Sex Good to Sex Evll
When God recreated a habitable
earth after Satan's rebell ion and
put humans on it, we read: "male
and female created he them" (Gen–
esis 1:27). The C reator caBed all of
H is creation, includ in g sex in
humans, "good" (verse 31 ).
God didn't leave this fi rst human
couple ignoranl of their sexualily or
its proper use. Though they were