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Is It True Sorne Are
Donald D. Schroeder
How do human sexual emotions develop? Why do certain youths develop
into homosexuals or transvestites? In this article you
will read knowledge even sex researchers don't understand!
may be in
for a surprise-or a
l t does not automat ically hap–
pen that a young man and
woman becom e sexually at–
tracted to each other. Nor does
it automatical ly happen that
they want to deeply love, cher–
ish, mar r y and protect one
These emotions or desires are
not all in her ited or innate in the
human constitution.
Not lnbo rn
Heterosexual i ty- sex ual desi re
toward a member of the opposite
sex- is not altogether inborn. Nor
is homosexuality- sexual desire
toward a member of one's own sex.
Nor, for that matter, are other
damaging sexual feelings or fears
about sex.
Human beings are not born with
an inherited sexual orientation or
sexual instinct that drives them
irrevocably in a certain direction.
There is a reason why many
homosexuals assume thei r sexual
feelings and emotions were "born
that way"; why they assume their
sexual attractions are as natural to
them as the color of their eyes.
Genetics and hormones play a
part in developing human sexuality,
but not in the way many think. And
responses to cultural, parental and
individual experiences play a very
September, 1981
big part in molding human sexual
feelings. In addition, there is criti–
ca! knowledge beyond biology and
cultural studies that is missing in
modern education abou t human
sexual and emotional development.
M is sing Knowledge
Scientific sex research is late on the
scene. l t began just after tpe mid–
dle of the 19th century. Sex
researchers have indeed gained cer–
tain knowledge and understanding
about genetics, hormones and envi–
ronment and their combined effect
on shaping human sexuality.
Yet, "T he impetus behind the
homosexual urge contained in the
male bond remains unexplained,"
writes psychologist C.A. Tripp in
summarizing such research in his
The Homosexual Matrix,
page 53. But the "missing
ímpetus" is explained in the pages
of your Bible!
Humanity through the ages has
rejected essential knowledge from
the Creator. Researchers, rejecting
revealed knowledge, are looki ng for
answers to damaging human prob–
lems-sexual and otherwise-only
by their own limited
of discovery and reasoning. They
look for answers in the physical
makeup of the human body or
brain when the major problem is a
matter- a problem in the
spiritual attitude, motivation and
desires of individuals.
Researchers have developed the–
ories to explain individual human
sexual feelings, problems and moti–
vations without understanding the
true nature of human nature. We
must understand this
we can rightly use the added
discoveries of human
sexual research.
Why has humanity been plagued
with so many damaging sexual
prol;llems? Why sexual fears and
phobias? Why so many unhappy
intimate marital relationships?
Why so many damaging feelings
among human beings and betwecn
the sexes?
The Bible reveals tbe ori'gin of
these problems in events before the
fi rst man and woman were
First Perverte d Being
Scripture reveals the existence of a
great spirit being, an archangel,
who rebelled against the laws and
government- the
his Cre–
ator (lsaiah 14:12-1 5, Ezekiel
His name, in Latin, is Lucifer
and means Lightbringer. He was
created to be the bringer of God's
truth to the earth, inhabited first
by angels, later man. Instead, this
great archangel swayed one third of
God's angels to follow his self-seek–
ing, self-willed "get" way (Revela–
tion 12:4)-. H is angels became
T hese spirit beings rejected
God's way of love- the "give" way.
The "give" or !ove way is the way
of diligent respect and concern for