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(Continued from page 8)
my sludy of virtually any subject. 1
had always been laughl thal the
Bible could nol be studied in a log–
ical manner; however, your course
has convinced me that such a meth–
od can be used in Bible sludy.
David S.
Levelland, Texas
1have been so well pleased with the
Ambassador College Correspon–
dence Course, 1must Jet it be known.
was far beyond my imaginalion thal
such a course existed at all.
In fact, befare 1 started studying
lhis course by mail 1 was under the
impression that no one could learn
lhe Bible by mail. 1 was wrong. 1
real ly am well pleased with the
knowledge l 've gained.
Belva, West Virginia
One very important fact our stu–
dents have learned is that the Bible
does interpret itself. This letter
explains it:
1 just completed the first lesson
of the Ambassador College Corre–
spondence Course. There aren't
enough words to express my gra–
lilude. 1 thi nk the only word lhat
can describe my feeling is
At last a sou rce with which to
really s tudy and learn from the
Bible, inslead of just taking some–
one else's interpretation. All my
life l've heard people say: "The
Bible can be interpreted many
1 can't say lhat 1 believed or dis–
bel ieved thal slatement. 1 just
didn ' l think about it. To me it was
just an impressive book lhat every–
one seemed lo have. Now that 1
have respect for the Bible and am
reading il, 1 feel lhat no [human]
interpretalion is needed.
is plain–
ly wrilten. 1 am really looking for–
ward to my nexl lesson.
Cincinnati, Ohio
From England comes this enthu–
siast ic letter:
1 have just received Lesson 1 of
the Correspondence Course. 1 am
del ighted, overwhelmed! This is the
most interesting and enlightening
course of study 1 have ever under–
taken. 1 can hardly wait for Lesson
2; and if Lesson 1 is any indication
of what is to come, then please
know lhat 1 will be corresponding
for a long ti me lo come.
London, England
A well-pleased Canadian wrote
the following letter:
Befare heari ng
The World
broadcast l had many
unanswered queslions that were so
big that a psychialrist was unwilling
to answer them.... The on ly answer
1 received from him was that 1
should lake a lrip to Europe, go
hunting, roam the count ryside lo get
close lo nature, lake up sailboati ng,
get marr ied, etc. This didn't answer
any one of my questions.
Through the Ambassador Col–
lege Correspondence Course I have
received direct a nd workable
answers to all my questions. 1 am
now learning the real purpose in
life and receiving blessings beyond
my wildest dreams.
Vancouver, B.C., Canada
Notice what happened to this
student's understanding after j ust
four lessons:
1 have just completed my first
four lessons of the Correspondence
Cou rse. Suddenly 1 real ized trye
amazing change in my undersland–
ing of the Bible as 1 recalled the
days before 1 ever requested the
has helped move me out
of complete misunde rstanding,
myth, guesswork a nd bewilder–
ment, and into a clear and ever–
revealing knowledge of the Bible.
Edward M.
Hanford, California
A well-educated student wrote
this letter:
Since 1 had the advantage of a
good deal of this world's education, 1
feel qualified to make this next state-:
ment. Although the Correspon-
dence Course is written so thal any–
one who can read can easily do the
work, in quality and thoroughness of
inslruct ion, it is easily lhe equivalenl
of cou rses given for college credil by
the better colleges and universi ties.
1t is really superior.
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Many are surprised to find that
their previous schooling is no bar–
rier to studying the Bi ble with
these lessons, as this student d is–
Please tell people they don't haveto
have a high school education to take
the Ambassador College Correspon–
dence Course. 1 didn't finish high
school and that kept me from wriling
for il for a long time. Now lhere isn't
enough money to buy lhe lessons
from me lhal 1have received.
Tavares, Florida
You , too, can begin to share
these same experiences. You can
begin to undersland lhe knowledge
that really counts.
The only qualificalion necessary
for taking this course is the abilily to
read. No prior college training or
other advanced education is neces–
These monthly lessons are so
plainly a nd inlerestingly wri tten
that even a child can understand
them. And there are no assign–
ments to send in- just a test after
every four th lesson so you can
know how you are doing as you
continue your studies.
Remember, there is no tuition
cost lo you! Your Jessons have
already been paid for by others who
are voluntari ly helping to send this
vital knowledge to all who request
it. The Correspondence Course is
absolutely free.
Will you Jet lhe Ambassador
College Corresponde nce Course
make the Bible 100 percent rele–
vant to your life loday? You can
begin by checking the Correspon–
dence Course box on tbe enclosed
literalure request card and return–
ing it as inslructed.
Do it righl now and you won't
forget. You ' ll be glad you d id!