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Just What Do You Mean...
Keith W. Stump
Few religious topics are as misunderstood as this. Read here an eye-opening
explanation of the real meaning of "Antichrist."
heard their
names: Nero. Moham–
med. Emperor Freder–
ick Il. Pope John
XXII. Martin Luther. Hit–
ler. Stalin. Mussolini.
All these individuals have had
one thing in common.
In thei r days, they were all
branded with the ,odious, fear–
inspiring title ANTJCHRJST! Dozens
of others throughout the past two
millennia have equally shared this
dubious distinction.
Obviously they cannot all be the
Antichrist. Or can they?
Who-or what-is "the Anti–
christ"? Why do so many ministers
today warn of Antichrist, yet mis–
understand who or what this per–
sonage is? What does
the Bible
about this mysterious figure?
Confuslon In Film
Nowhere is the widespread con–
temporary confusion over these
questions more blatantly in evi–
dence than in the recent motion
picture titled
The Final Conflict.
The Final Conflict
is the third
September, 1981
and final installment of the
t ri logy. T his is a series of three
motion pictures purporting to trace
the birth, childhood and rise to
power of the Antichrist. The events
in these films appear to the public
in the guise of Bible prophecy.
In the
s tory, the Anti–
christ is named Damien Thorn.
Thorn has a bizarre genealogy- he
is the offspring of Satan_. Etched on
his scalp is the so-called birthmark
of the devil: 666.
A problem child, Damien spent
his younger years plotting the vio–
lent demises of his parents, assorted
relatives, tutors, household ser–
vants, priests, newspaper reporters
and the like.
As an adult, Thorn has become
politically ambitious. As
The Final
opens, we find Thorn at
the head of the biggest multina–
tional corporation in the world. His
ultimate goal is world rulership.
Thorn is fully aware of h is
satanic identity. "1 s tand befare
you in the name of the one true
god, Lord of the Lower Empire,"
he tells bis disciples, "who was cast
out of heaven but is alive in me."
Thorn seems on his way to the
top. But one obstacle stands in his
way. That obstacle is described in
the book of Hebron, which we are
told is "one of the obscure books
of the Apocrypha" (so obscure it
doesn't exist- editor). This an–
cient volume is said to reveal that
Jesus Christ is to be reborn as a
human child
somewhere in Eng–
Thorn must kili this returned
Christ Child--or be destroyed by
Him. "Siay the Nazarene and 1
reign forever. Fail and 1 perish," he
The exact hour of Jesus' 20th–
century rebirth is supposedly
revealed by an astrological source,
an alignment of three stars (called
the Trinity Alignment) in the con–
stellation of Cassiopeia.
In the role of a modern Herod,
Thorn proceeds to have his evil
agents round up all birth certifi–
cates for that day. Male children
born at the .revealed time are then
systematically exterminated, to be
absolutely certain the reborn Jesus
is eliminated . (But the baby Jesus
is born among gypsies, and he has
no birth certificate!)
Meanwhile, the fate of the world