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decision, based on my knowledge of a
particular subject.
Ralph Gaudioso
Brookfield, Connecticut
Correspondence Cou,rse
Please continue to send me your fine
magazine- The
Plain Truth.
adds special meaning to my personal Ji fe
in many ways. Many of the articles are
extremely well-written, holding my
attention to the fullest. Compliments to
the editors and their fine staff for the
work they have done.
would be most grateful to you if
you would send me your " Ambassa–
dor College Correspondence Course"
am truly interested in fur–
thering my personal enrichment and
character and think your course is
just what 1 need. Can you help me?
J ames T. Rocco
Administrative Officer
Youth Service, USA
Memphis, Tennessee
As a meteorologist, 1 was very
much impressed by
"Drougbts, Floods, Weather Disas–
ters- Why?" Our question, as
meteorologists, is where and when
will moisture precipitate. So while
Mr. X will complain of lack of rain–
fall, Mr. Y will complain about
ftoods. This balance (having enough
precipitation at the right time) is
beyond human control. With all the
new discoveries, none has been close
to this mucb needed balance. There is
no way out except to fall on our knees
and seek God, who will hear our
prayers and bless our land.
P.S. Kangele
National Meteorological
Training School
Dar es Salaam
Thanks for the excellent article on
our responsibilit ies in educating our
children safely and properly. Fortu–
nately for our children my wife fore–
saw the danger you discussed and is
teaching our two at home. Because
she has both the ability and the "giv–
ing attitude," versus the "get"-them–
out-of-my-hair mood, the results have
been superb. Our local township's
school principal described the results
The article also showed how
important it is to spend time with our
children to help counter the 16,000
hours of possible negative inftuence
September, 1981
they can receive while attending pub–
líe schools.
John P. Cardie
Woodbury, New Jersey
Gorilla Speaks Out
The article "A Gorilla Speaks Out
Against Evolution" was excellent.
Human beings indeed are qualitative–
ly different from mere animals.
Human beings can love and bate;
tbey can cry and understand and
laugh at the meaning of a joke.
Human beings can engage in proposi–
tional speech and use and compre–
hend symbols; they possess the inher–
ent capacity to make free choices and
True, animals can procreate, even
as humans can procreate; but only
mancan see that sex is more than just
a physical act, that there is a sacred–
ness to sex, marriage and procre-
Haven Bradford Gow
Arlington Heights, Illinois
Food Additives
Many thanks for the article on
food and food additives. 1 had not
really considered that refined and
processed foods are a necessary out–
growth of families and societies that
want everything in a hurry. Lack of
time combined with the fact that
people think they like the taste of
these foods makes them very accept–
able. Most people are not really con–
vinced that these foods are harmful to
their health so they continue to fol–
low the crowd and eat tbe processed
foods that are so easily available.
I hope you will have more articles
in the future dealing with the harm–
ful effects of poor diet so that people
will understand why it is necessary to
make changes and take the time to
prepare and eat wholesome natural
Andrea Oxley
Kalamazoo, Michigan
"What You Need to Know About
Food and Food Additives" is a very
well done article. The author quoted
from sorne of your earlier writings
and from the Bible. This gave me a
new perspective on the Holy Book
and health. Please send me the fol–
lowing booklets:
Prin cip i es of
Healthful Living, Managing Your
Personal Finances
and "Is All Ani–
mal Flesh Good Food?"
Joseph Killian
San Francisco, Calif.
After reading "New Truth About
Smoking" 1 feel compelled to write.
My brother, sisters and
st ill live
with my parents-both of whom
don't suppose my parents
will ever read this letter but perhaps
it will start sorne others thinking.
There is no one in autbority over the
parents to enforce a no-smoking rule so
the children are not harmed, and in
many households (such as ours),
requests that the parents kick the habit
are ignored or rudely rebuffed.
Please parents, reconsider what you
are doing to your children!
you do
not show respect for your children's
health now, can you really expect their
respect later?
The article on smoking l took to work
· with me and sbowed it to my boss.l have
been after him to put a fan in for us
non-smokers. Tbanks to your article he
is going to put one in for us.
Vinnie Rumberger
Clearfield, Pennsylvania
Prince Charles
In the article about the Queen
Mother and Prince Charles, the
Prince is improperly dressed in Naval
uniform. What happened was, the
negative was reversed. His medal rib–
bon is shown on bis right breast. As a
Royal Naval veteran, I think this
mistake calls for an apology. 1 enjoy
the magazine ·very much. Thanking
you in anticipation.
William Munro
Hamilton, Ontario
Negative was reversed. Our apol–
ogies herewith expressed
photo as
it shou/d have appeared.