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(Cont inued f rom page 6)
though individual scient ists, he
said, may have their own " theis-
t ic" beliefs.
The view of a nebulous "begin–
ning" rathe r than a creation, is
strictl y in keepi ng wi th science's
own "fixed
bedrock"-evol u tion–
ary chance.
As the noted ocean–
ographer, Roger Revelle, once
remarked : ' 'Evolut ion is a fact.
doesn' t mean that man can' t have
hope. Ou r values are part of our
evolutionary her itage ...
t here is
clearly no ground plan."
1n other words, evolution pos–
tulates that there is no purpose
whatever to
Sclence Stands Mute
As trophysicist Robert J as trow, in
an article in t he Los Angeles
T imes
of J une 25, 1978, exam–
ined the di lemma that the very
concept of a " beginning" causes
"Consider the enormousness of
the problem," said Dr. J ast row.
"Science has proved that the uní–
verse exploded into being at a cer–
tai n moment.
asks, what cause
produced this effect ? Who or what
put the matter and energy into the
un ive r se? W as th e uni ve r se
created out of nothing, or was it
gathered together out of preexist–
ing materials? And science cannot
answer these questions."
Sorne of the greatest scientific
m ind s, observed Dr. J as t row,
have been annoyed at the concept
of a begi nni ng in ti me, because of
its clear theological implications.
Albert Ei ns tei n wrote once
that " t his circumstance of an
expand ing universe is irri tating."
Sir Ar thur Edd ington, the most
d istinguished British astronomer
of his day, wrote in 193 1, " 1 have
no ax to gr ind in this d iscussion,
bu t the notion of a beginn ing is
repugnant lo me."
Ph ilip Morrison of M IT said a
few years ago in a BBC fi lm on
" 1
find it hard to
accept the Big- Bang theory;
would like to reject it."
Ast ronomer Jas trow notes that
" there is a strange ri ng of feeling
and emotion in these reactions.
Suc h judgments are expected to
come from the brain, whe reas
t hese come fro m the hea r t.
Dr. Jastrow answers tbat th is
is, in par t, because "scien tists
cannot bear the thought of a nat–
ural phenomenon which cannot
be explai ned.... T here is a kind
of religion in science; a faith that
there is arder and harmony in the
universe, and that every event can
be explained as t he product of
sorne previous event."
The scientist has " lost control"
says Dr . J ast row , when con–
fronted with forces and circum–
s tances not explainable by natu ral
causes alone.
There are scientists who have
dared to " bite the bullet" and ask,
"What carne befare the begin–
ni ng?" Dr. J ast row referred spe–
cifically to Bri tish theorist Ed–
ward Mi lne, who, in a t reatise on
relat ivi ty once wrote:
" As to the first cause of the
universe, in the context of expan–
sion, that is le ft for the reader to
insert , but ou r picture is incom–
plete withou t Him ."
The re Life
Without fi rst coming to gri ps
with the question of
the universe, science cannot pro–
ceed to answer other questions
t hat de legates to one AAAS
symposium were told wi ll be the
big quest ions dur ing this decade
and t he
is t here
" Why
is there life?"
is there somet hing
rat her than nothi ng in the uní–
The answers to these questions
do not lie within the province of
science, whic h deals only wi t h
observable, measurable, physical
properties and laws.
To these and simi lar quest ions,
Herbert W . Armst rong, edi tor–
in-chief of
The Plain Tr ut h,
said on numerous occasions,
"Science has no answers; religion
has fai led to tell us; ed ucation is
in ignorance."
But the Bible, the Word of
give the a nswers.
Changlng Human Na ture
There is a "great purpose and
design being wo rked out he re
below" to quote tbe words of
W inston Churchill in an address
he delivered befa re a special joint
session o f the Congress of the
United S tates.
The t rue Cospel message ofJ esus
Ch ris t , buried under heaps of
supersti tion , explains tbis g reat
pu rpose. The true C ospel- the
announcement of the soon-coming
government of Cod-entails, no
less, the changing of human nature,
and the elevation of man from the
human to tbe Cod plane- astound–
ing as this may seem to the great
minds ofthis wor ld .
Scie ntists reali ze tha t man
mus t c hange his thinking pro–
cesses to become " more sensi–
tive" to his fellowman as well as
his physical env ironme n t. Jt ' s
either that or the human race
faces exti nction.
Evolut ion can' t do t his " t rick."
Bu t the Bible shows how it is pos–
sible to make this change from
the dest ruct ive "gel" philosophy
to the "give" way of life . T hou–
sands of people are undergoi ng
this most vital o f all t ransforma–
t ions at this very moment.
Science postulates no "world
view." But the Bible does. The very
C ospel message proclaimed by
J es us C hr ist- wh ich t he vas t
majority of professi ng Christ ians
have not understood-deals with
the most important "wor ld view" of
all , greater than any polit ical ideolo–
gy ever devised by man. l t involves,
at its core, the Covernment of God
soon now to rule on this ear th.
There is a g reat adversar y
archangei- Satan- who has bid–
d e n thi s "world view" from
human understanding. Pu rpose–
less evolu tion has been one of his
most successful tools to keep hid–
den man's awesome dest iny.
Bu t you can know what is the
pu rpose of your life. W rite for
ou r free booklets,
Why Were You
Born?. Does God Ex ist?
T hey
wi ll open your eyes! o