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umn. Our educat ional system has
deteriorated beyond belief. The qual–
ity of its faculty, its administrators
and its dedication to the youth of our
world is exceptionally poor.
is noted that the economic crisis
faci ng us today affects these condi–
tions somewhat, but l am of the opin–
ion that we ourselves (the parents,
the legislators, etc.) are in the most
part responsible too. The d isintegrat–
ing family st ructure, the permissive–
ness of the parents and society, the
ind ifference all equally share the
blame. Even the quality of our clergy
has been greatly affected by all thi s.
Your ar ticle or viewpoint, has
made me stop and think.
William F. Martí n
Albany, New York
1 be lieve there is an incorrect state–
ment in the February '8 1, issue, page
4, first column. The U.N. declaration
(parti tion decision) was in 1947. ( In
1948 Israel declared its indepen–
Joseph Saidel
Albany, New York
Crisis In Eastern Europe
1 read your excellent article on the
"Crisis in Eastern Europe," and must
conclude that g rave trQuble appears
inevitable in the very near future
with Eastern bloc countries undoubt–
edly leading the way once again for
the high tensity strains that could
easily envelop the entire earth in
another holocaust of unment ionable
Richard Davids
Vista, California
Dec line In Living Standards
A comment on the declining living
standards described in your January
issue. The "free lunch" idea seems lo
have come to domínate public policy
in recenl years.
has always seemed
lO me that anyone must conlribule to
t he table if he expects to sit down to
dinner and efforts to prove otherwise
lead to disaster .
For many years about 25 percent
of Americans, for example, were
employed in the so-called "prívate"
sector- the productive sector. The
o ther 35 percent, approximately,
were "on the government"--<:ivil ser–
vice, welfare, military, government
con t ractors a nd their dependents.
Then carne changes. As of the most
recent published statistics
are "on the government."
May 1981
What happened? A lot of us had to
send our wives out to work to help
support the inflationary consequences
of all those new dependents awarded
us by government. Many of those
jobs are "secondary" jobs, at lower
wages. Of course, thi s is called
Women's Liberation, which means,
"Send 'em out to work."
J ohn G. Kneil ing
New York, New York
Emplre Strikes Back
Your magazine is vcry informative.
1 usually find something of interest in
it for each member of the family. My
16-year-old son parlicularly enjoyed
the " Empire Slrikes Back" arl icle, as
1 don't always agree with your
views, but it does broaden one's scope
of current events, as well as the reli–
gious ramificat ions.
Caro! Hitchcock
!slip, New York
In Dutch Too
For severa! years now 1 have
The Plai n Tr uth .
English teacher at school advised us
to subscribe lO this magazine. And 1
musl say it was worthwhile. Your
articles are very interesting, specially
about the situation in our world . Now
what 1 would like to ask you. ls it
possible for me to receive in the near
The Plain Truth
in Dutch?
B. Tuenten Jr.
Varsseveld, The Netherlands
Dutch subscription sent .
Advertlsing Colleague
Your editorials, while 1 cannot go
along with you all the way, are the
best proof of your advertising knowl–
edge and sincerity regarding how to
spread the "Gospel."
may amuse you to know that we
are colleagues as 1 began my adver–
tising career in 1914 and am a " pro",
a copywri ter and trained commercial
artist. 1 am now 91 years old and
trying to get in a few licks of work
before 1 have to ship out. 1 ama great
admirer of your set-up in Pasadena
and consider that you people have
done a great favor to the community
merely by being here. As a matter of
fact 1 have one of your church mem–
bers a very good friend of mine, who
is doing what she can to help me.
Marion Hoyle
Pasadena, California
1 would like to lhank the people
behind the circulation of
The Plain
magazine for sending me now
almost two years a subscription with–
out any obligation.
really helped
me in my studies, and my friends,
too, in their theology subjects.
Thank you all very much and espe–
cially to the people from your staff in
the Phil ippines.
J erome Teodoro
Davao Ci ty, Philippines
My wife and 1 are both in our
eighties and have time to read a lot.
Thank you so much for your diligent
research and unselfish contribution to
Mr. and Mrs.
H . Rice
Nappanee, Indiana
Science's Vlewpolnt
The article by Clayton Steep in the
February issue, "Scientists in Quan–
dary About Darwin," differed in one
small respect from most of the anti–
evolution pieces your publication has
included a sentence that carne
close to showing an understanding of
the scient ific enterpr ise:
" lt
is as though there is an unspok–
en rule among the members of the
scient ific communit y that God and
the Bible are to be au tomatically
excluded from any search for scien–
ti fic truth ."
That is quite correct. There is such
a ' 'rule."
stems from the begin–
nings of science, and from a period
when c hurc h-sanct ioned philosophy
had attempted- and fai led-to make
the studies of scripture and of the
natural world coincide at every
When enough ideas had been
rediscovered and toyed with, modern
science began to produce new knowl–
edge. Many of its most brilliant prac–
titioners were religious people who
neverlheless rejecled the all-embrac–
ing authorily of lhe church as well as
its temporal dominion. They did not
profess, in science, an alternative type
of religion, but merely a pursuit of
truth and knowledge lhat hoped to
open the horizons as well as the
minds of men.
lf they progressed, the scientists
did so partly by rejecting the claim of
moral aulhorities, and of scripture, to
absolute and literal truth in every
area of life.
1 value receiving your magazine
each monlh.
portrays a point of
view very much differenl from my
own. 1 hope you will print this letter
in the same spirit.
R. Savino
lrasburg, Vermont