What Our Readers Say
" 1Am Not an Animal"
Mr. J eff Calkins' article- " 1 Am
Not an Animal" is so very touching
and a loving reminder of God's love
for us--no mattcr how we look. None
of us is beautiful compared to His
beauty, so we can be thankful He
looks inward and sees our potential.
Thank you for bringing us the hope
of being as He is one day!
A . Edith McCioud
Mt. Ciare, West Virginia
just had to write to express my
appreciation for the article on Joseph
Merrick. (Congratulations for get–
ting his namc righ t!)
His life was a story of pain and
suffering, yet it"s a lso a story of
dignity, courage, !ove and triumph.
His past was fillcd with horror, his
present with constant pain and the
knowledge he could never live a
normal life and be fully accepted.
Even in death he could see no hope
for release from prying eyes and
pointing fingers. He ended up as a
skeleton at the London Hospital and
90 years later is still being stared
liked the wav J ohn Hurt ( the
actor that did such a marvelous job of
capturing the spi rit of Joseph Mer–
rick in the movie) put it. "That some–
body could be that incredible in our
ridiculous world . With all our com–
plaints, that Merrick should almost
stroll through
Thank God
for His marvelous and
awesome plan. Joseph will have a
chance to live a normal life in a body
that's as beautiful on the outsidc as
he was on the inside.
1 hope l 'm privileged enough ro be
there and meet him when he's resur–
rected .
Pam Alfan
Atlanta, Georgia
was very touched by your article
" 1
Am Not an Animal" by Jeff Cal–
kins. More articles of this nature
need to be brought out because the
public needs to know how people in
this condition feel. A person should
not be judged by the way he looks but
by his mind and the content of his
character. 1 am glad to see that there
were a few who were willing to aid
this man in his time of need.
Donna Renee Cannon
Fort VaJJey, Georgia
Latin Amerlca
1 was amazed to read in
The Plain
Chile struggled to the near
death with Marxism and communist–
backed guerilla terrorists in the
1970s. Does your corresponden!, Mr.
[Gene] Hogberg, not know that Chile
was the first country in the world to
elect democratically a Marxist pres–
That president, Señor Allende,
was killed with many others when the
present nondemocratic military re–
gime took power by force.
is the
present government who have used
and are still usi ng terror to impose
their intentions on the people.
you will publish this letter and
would be pleased to read any com–
ments Mr. Hogberg has to make.
G. Colombe, London
According ro a
Miami Herald
newswoman. there were , in 1979,
fewer complaints of "brutality"
levied agains t Chile's
the country's highly r espected
national police- than against the
po/ice in Miami . Florida . The revolt
that unseated Salvador Allende in
1973 was as much a nationwide
uprising by the housewives of Chile,
incensed over shortages and long
food lines. as it was a classical mi/i–
coup d 'etat.
The people of Chile
today. despite (or perhaps because
of?) certain limits on po/itica/ activi–
ry . are enjoying the fruits of one of
rhe most successfu/ economies in the
world. Most of Chi/e's critics–
except the imp/acab/e- acknowl–
edge rhis fact .
Food Crisis
Your article in the August '80
Plain Truth
called " Who Will Feed
the World" so stimulated me that
was moved to write an article in our
school newspaper called, " Food
conducted a survey and
found that 35 percent of the students
throw away much of their food. l f
only thosc students knew the Plain
Thanks again,
Tim Kearney
Allentown, Pennsylvania
The January, 1981 ,
P/ain Truth
article about smoking by Jeff Calkins
inspired me so much, last week
removed aJI tobacco (cigars and pipe
tobacco) from my house.
Ed A. Cichon
Bristol, Connecticut
am one of the people whom you
referred to as being ill from castoff
work in a hotel where people
am anxious to continue the
fight to stamp out smoking in the
presence of nonsmokers. This cannot
be done until people in government
public office, managers of offices,
factories, hotels and other places of
importance realizc the untold harm it
is causing. Thanks for your article.
Gerard Burns
Valentía, l reland
P.S . You see both my parents
smoke nearly 100 cigarettes a day.
Personal from the Editor
agree wholeheartedly with the
views stated in your " Personal" col-