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cant financia! support to the Phil–
ippine Labor Department 's Man–
power 1nstitute, which runs a rural
workers' program designed to
increase the living standards in
rural areas. The main idea is to take
agricultura! know-how that has
worked in one area and bring it lo
another. Projects include multi–
crop farming and aquaculture.
Mr. Armstrong also had words
of encouragement. Sorne in the
Western press may not like to
admit it, but the Filipinos have
made incredible progress over the
past 10 years: Mr. Armstrong
publicly noted that the country is
in a far better condition than it
was when he first visited it, and is
at peace, as well. The Filipinos
have made "wonderful prog–
Upon arriving, Herbert Arm–
strong wasted no opportunity to
announce the message of hope–
including the very heritage of the
Filipino people. His first appear–
ance was before a standing-room–
only crowd at Adamson Universi–
ty, where Mr. Armstrong spoke
for approximately one hour on
the spiritual values that alonc
would give to university students
everywhere the opportunity to
live happy and abundant lives.
Next, he was the keynote
speaker befare the Philippine
Constitution Association- 7 50
guests and members, including
the Chief J ustice of the Supreme
Court and many cabinet mem–
bers, who heard Mr. Armstrong
May 1981
proclaim the only way to world
peace. During the evening, Mr.
Armstrong and
were made life–
time members of the association,
which was responsible for the
1973 constitutional changes and,
under the strong leadership of
President Ferdinand Marcos, for
the lifting of martial law on Janu–
ary 17, 1981.
The following day Mr. Arm–
st rong spoke for one hour befare
the combined Rotary Clubs of
greater Manila- agai n , he
stressed that only the intervention
of Jesus Christ- who will return
soon to rule the whole world as
King and High Priest- will pre–
vent mankind from dcstroying
In the evening, minister of
labor Bias Ople was host to Mr.
Armstrong al a prívate dinner
party. Also present were the Min–
ister of Agrarian Reform, the
Minister of the Budget and the
Minister of Justice, as well as var–
ious directors of other ministries
and selected assemblymen.
The Minister of Agrarian
Reform, Conrado Estrella, was so
impressed with Mr. Armstrong's
post-dinner comments that he
invited him to speak a few days
later before 450 of his own
employees. Further, he specifical–
ly requested that Mr. Armstrong
deliver a
Then on the Friday befare the
rst pu bl ic appearance, M r.
Armstrong and
were received
by President Marcos in a 45-min-
ute televised interview. Later we
were also to visit lmelda Marcos,
the first lady.
Over the weekend, Mr. Arm–
st rong brought the message that
he already had given to the most
prominent members of Filipino
society and to the larger Filipino
society in two personal appear–
ances at the Philippine l nterna–
tional Convcntion Center
(PICC). H e de1ivered two
powerful messages befare capac–
ity houses.
Every day we were tracked by
the television and press- and not
a negative vibration was to be
heard or scen.
The message that Mr. Arm–
st rong gave the Filipino people
was onc of a profoundly better
world ahead, the causes of world
ills and their ultimatc solution. lt
is a global message, applicable to
all peoples evcrywherc; but it was
particularly well received in the
Philippines. o
of Herbert W. Arm·
strong's recent personalappearance in
the Philippines. Ouring the visit, Mr.
Armstrong spoke to, from left, an
audience (with color guard in !ore·
ground) at Adamson University, Labor
Minister Bias Op/e, Presiden! Ferdi·
nand Marcos and a cross section of
Filipino society at Manila 's Philippine
lnternational Convention Center. Mr.
Armstrong was also the keynote speak–
er before the Philippine Constitutional
Association. made up of some of the
country's most prominent jurists and
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