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(Continued f rom page 21)
neither were they " lost" - God
himself had cut off the descen–
dants of Adam. They simply were
not being JUDGED at all by God–
nor are they even yet today. God
is not j udg ing t hem, so why
should you or
Sorne of us are
called now. The world as a whole
is not! Those now called to the
Church of God are the "first–
fruits"- merely the first small
" harvest" of spi ritual salvation.
To all others, God said, in effect,
" Go, since you (Adam) have
rejected me, my government, my
salvat ion, my revelation of knowl–
edge, GO, form your own gods
and your own re ligions- your
ow n gover nme nts- yo ur own
fund of knowledge and educa–
And, for nearly 6,000 years,
has the world so done!
is important that you have
this information before you read
"Gog" ldentlfied
There is general agreement
among students of prophecy that
" Gog" in the land of " Magog" is
the vast regions of northern Eur–
asia extending from the Baltic to
the Pacific. " Meshech" is Mos–
cow, "Tubal" is Tobolsk. The
Bible margin says " Prince of
Rosh," which is Russia.
Notice the allies who come
with them in this future battle.
You wi ll find "Gomer," "Togar–
mah ," " Magog," " Meshech ,"
"Tubal," identified in Genesis lO
as the sons of J apheth, father of
the yellow races. Ethiopia and
Phut (mistranslated Libya) are
descended from Ham.
Therefore, this prophecy of
Ezekiel 38 shows who shall final –
ly succeed in marshaling peoples
of each major race into a gigantic
invasion upon our people.
When God rules the world,
through Christ- with his chosen
people restored to great wealth in
the land of Israel, the very center
of the land surface of the earth
(verse 12, Moffatt t ranslation) ,
this great Eurasian union of
nations shall finally rise up with
the most overwhelming armies
ever assembled by man!
Their mighty ai r force in that
day will make those of the pre–
vious wars look puny. "Thou shalt
ascend," the Eternal says, "and
come like a storm [in the air].
thou shalt
like a cloud to cover
the land ..." (verse 9). There
shall be so many planes then that
they will hide the sun from the
ground below, like a huge dark
The End of World Conquest
The House of I s r ael - our
peoples- shall not be armed or
prepared. " In that day when my
people of Israel dwelleth safely,
shalt thou not know it?" asks the
Eternal . "And thou shalt come
from thy place out of the north
parts [due north of the land of
ancient Israel] , thou, and many
people [allies] with thee ... a
mighty army: and thou shalt come
up against my people of Israel, as a
cloud to cover the land; it shall be
in the latter days, and I will bring
thee against my land, that the hea–
then may know me [note the pur–
pose], when 1 shall be sanctified in
Gog, before their eyes"
(verses 14-16) .
But our people shall not have
to fight in that battle. We shall
have learned by then that God
fights our battles for us!
"And it shall cometo pass at the
same time when Gog shaH come
against the land of Israel , saith the
Lord God, that my fury shall come
up in my face" (verse 18) . "So
that ... all the men that are upon
the face of the earth, shall shake at
my presence..." (verse 20).
after Christ's coming!
" 1
will summon an utter panic
against him [Gog]. says the Lord
the Eternal, till every man in his
host shall draw the sword against
his fellow;
will punish him with
pestilence and bloodshed, 1 wi ll
rain on him and his bordes and
all the nations. in his train an
overpowering fl ood, with hail–
stones, fire, and brimstone.
Jet all the nations see my might
and dread divinity-to t each
them that 1 am th e Ete rna!"
(verses 21-23 , Moffatt).
Notice, these heathen nations
do not see and recognize t he
dread divinity, the might and
power of the Eternal Christ , even
after he has returned. He has to
teach them that HE
The 39th c hapter shows in
more detail the result of this
great battle, in which Christ, with
supernatural power, causes five
sixths of these heathen armies to
be slain in this battle.
Notice, again, the time: "Now
bring again the captivity of
Jacob, and have merey upon the
whole house of Israel [Israel and
Judah] , and will be jealous for my
holy name.... When 1 have
brought them again from the
people, and gathered them out of
thei r enemies' lands, and am
sanctified in them in the sight of
many nations; then shall they
KNOW that 1 AM THE Lord their
God ..."! (Ezekiel 39:25-28.)
Notice again! At Christ's Sec–
ond Coming, he shall gather the
ten-t ribed House of
British and American people–
out of our enemies' lands, not out
of our own land of wealth and
power, North America and the
British Isles.
But by then, we shal l
oughly chastened. We shall have
learned our lesson. We shall live
by Goo's rules, and obey his law.
" ... for I have poured out my
spirit upon the house of Israel,
saith the Lord God" (verse 29).
And then, beginning chapter
40, the remainder of the book of
Ezekiel reveals the ideal theoc–
racy- God's new order of divine
government upon earth-the per–
manent forms and institutions
that shall express the ideal rela–
tion between God and man.
In the meantime, our job is to
WARN America and Britain of
what lies ahead. To shout the
warning to come out of Babylon
(Revelat ion 18:4), that those who
heed may
fi nd~
now- may
come under his divine protection
( Psalm 91), and by a true Spiri t–
fill ed life obedient to Goo's
Avs and laws, be prepared to
become a ruler or a teacher in
C hris t 's soon-coming g lorious
Kingdom! o