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The Love that Conquers
Donald O. Schroeder
Here is the love, the faith , the power that will conquer every
anxiety and fear you now have!
is good news!
There is a right and
happy solution to hu–
man fears, to anxieties and
mental depression!
False Solutions
Yet, why do so many depend
upon temporary or false solutions
to their problems?
The right way of dealing wi th
problems and fears is not denying
they exist. I t is not drowning
them in alcohol or drugs.
is not
assuaging conscience or feelings
of guilt with human- invented per–
sonal philosophies.
Nor is the solution to fears,
worries and problems, as sorne
religious people emphasize, just
"accepting Christ" without fac–
ing the causes of depression and
The cause of fear and depression
is the breaking of God's spiritual
laws. The solution is to teach
humans how to obey God's spiritual
laws, how to develop spiritual–
minded ness, t he at titudes and
power of God, which is the love of
God that conquers fear and worry.
T hat love shows humans how to
change, bear, escape and conquer
problems, fears and worries
in this
(I Corinthians 10: 13).
April 1981
J esus Christ promised, " ... ye
shall know the truth, and the
truth shall set you free" (John
8:32). He meant that truth- the
truth taught in God's Word , the
Bible-would open up to human
understanding the real cause of
human problems. He meant t ruth
would set you free from the con–
sequences of wrong knowledge
and ways of thinking. He mean t
truth wóuld set you free from
hopelessness and depression, free
from sin.
What , then, is the priceless
truth-the good news that will
set one free?
The True Gospell
Jesus carne with a message about
government-God's government.
lt is a message about how that
government and the
which that government is based
will be set up on ear th.
is a
message about how humans may
qual ify for rule in that govern–
is a message about a
of lije!
The laws of God's government
are the laws of true love-the way
of giving instead of getting. They
generate the !ove that conquers
fear and depression, the !ove that
would, if obeyed, eliminate every
evi l afflicting mankind today.
God's love is revealed, in broad
principies, in the Ten Command–
ments. Fear and mental depres–
sion are caused by breaking God's
immutable spiri tual-and, possi–
bly, physical- laws!
Fear and depression are caused
by wrong values, desires and alti–
tudes. They are caused by wrong
ways of thinking and living- the
" get" way. The only true solution
is to quit breaking God's spiritual
and physical laws and start living
God's way in al l our thoughts and
act ions.
"There is no fear in [godly]
!ove; but perfect !ove casteth out
fear.. .. He that feareth is not
made perfect in !ove" (1 John
Many wonder why they don't
have that !ove, even if they want
it. Here is why: This !ove is a
product of growing out of wrong
ways of living and thinking. No
. human called from sinfui ways
develops perfect love all at once.
lt takes time. But as we grow in
God's !ove, fear and hopelessness
d iminish.
But there is an even more crit–
ica! reason why many don't have
perfect Jove. The reason is that
God's love is a
ruled by
law (Romans
7:14). It can only be fully fui -