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"Sexual perversion. irrational
and excessive aggression, in–
creased mortality rates, lowered
fertility rates. maternal neglect of
young, withdrawal and other psy–
chotic behavior- these are among
the reactions of rats, monkeys,
bares, shrews and fish that have
been experimentally forced to live
in overcrowded conditions."
In anotber study, scientists
found that the blood pressure of a
prisoner rises immediately when
he is taken from his cell and put
in a crowded dormitory.
This is why the Bible reveals
that cities of the future will be
places where the chi ldren will
in the streets:
"And the streets of the city
[Jerusalem] shall be full of boys
and girls playing in the streets
thereof' (Zechariah 8:5).
The clear implication is that
there will be large areas of open
space between buildings without
the vehicular traffic problems of
n tomor row's world,
people won't have to flee to dis–
tant suburbs to find a little room
to play with their children.
Transportation Solution
Notice also! Jerusalem will be
"compacted together" but chil–
dren will play in the streets. How
explain? Such results could not
be had without streets that were
closed to car or auto traffic! Per–
haps there will be cars in the
world tomorrow-but they won't
be permitted to pollute and they
are not going to clog up city
There will, of course, be major
highways (lsaiah 19:23). So there
may be cars. But within cities,
children will play in the streets–
for Jerusalem is a model for the
rest of the world . So cities will
have just. efficient
broken down) forms of public
transportation: probably some–
thing like Disneyland's People
Mover or Monorails.
How Possible?
How will it be possible to have
nonpolluting cars? To have cities
afford broad, open streets? For
each city dweller to have his own
detached house-not sorne
cramped condo?
Because the key c urse that
forces incredible evils on today's
world will be removed!
When Adam stole from the
forbidden tree in the Garden of
Eden, and set mankind on the
wrong course of life, he brought a
curse on the earth. The good
things of life became
" ... cursed is the ground for
thy sake; in sorrow shalt thou eat
of it all the days of thy life"
(Genesis 3:17).
Do you want personal mobili–
ty? You must have a car. But a
car pollutes. Why can't we have a
nonpolluting car? Because the
easiest source of energy for a car
is derived from oil, and burned oil
The Bible clearly
prophesies the
magnificence-of cities
in the world tomorrow.
pollutes! Do you want to live clase
to your job? In today's (Jiterally
cursed) world-you will probably
have to live in a city or its sub–
urbs. But living in a city is expen–
sive. There's only so much good
city space to go around, and the
price is bid up.
The point is, after Adam
sinned, life became a series of
compromises when it comes to
material things. You can't
your cake and eat it at the same
time. Do you want a quality
building? You must pay for it. H
you want good food? Time and
effort must be spent in its prepa–
ration, and someone has to clean
up afterward. But life today is so
short of time!
Do you want clean air? Are
you willing to limit driving? Or
limit the use of electricity to get
it ? In the world Adam be–
queathed to his children, there is
no such thing as a "fre.e lunch."
But in God's world, you can
have good things without having
to sacrifice other good things:
Clean air
personal mobility.
A spacious place to live with trees
and greenery
a job clase to
where you live. Sports and cul–
tural activities clase at hand
crime-free neighborhood.
People wi ll be living much lon–
ger and the rat race to get ahead
economically and socially will
New Political Leadership
Tomorrow's cities will have a dif–
ferent kind of mayor. Literally,
they won't be human beings.
They wiJJ be
Because they won't be human,
they won't be susceptible to graft,
greed, corruption or any other of
the temptations that befall too
many big city mayors. No more
bribes. No more policemen "on
the take." No more payoffs, kick–
backs or construction contracts to
the mayor's brother-in-law. l t
will be an era of
Tomorrow's mayors will have
qualified in this life. They will
have overcome temptation in this
life. They will have proved loyal
to God and his government in this
life-they will not be untried.
And since they will have God's
their rule wiiJ be
just. No favoring one group at the
expense of another. No "respect
of persons"-j us tice will be
"blind." No petty politics. No
more useless municipal boondog–
gles (wasteful public projects) so
someone can feed his ego.
The cities of the world tomor–
row will be happy, joyous places
in which to live and work. There
will be music, sports, art, glorious
inspiring architecture; there will
be no slums, blight, crime,
Cities will be decent, livable
places. That is certain. God will
bring it about. What is uncertain,
as yet, is whether you will be there.
You can be- regardless of your
age. You can even be one of the
mayors. To learn how, write in for
our free reprint article entitled
" Prepare to Be a Ki ng."