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books and art icles should steadily
Health Care:
Cornparat ively limited opportuni–
ties. T he rnain role for doctors–
or whatever they will be called–
will be to teach people the
of disease and the laws of health:
proper diet, hygiene, etc. T his by
itself will eliminate most d isease:
"And the inhabitant shall not say,
arn sick ..." (l saiah
if people still manage to get sick,
divine heal ing will be avai lable,
and the sins against the physical
body that caused the diseasc in
the first place wi ll be forgiven:
" ... the people that dwell therein
shall be forgiven thei r iniquity"
( Isaiah
One aspect of health care that
should present more opportuni–
ties is in the area of d iet and
weight watch ing. Th ink-what
will be one of tbe worst prob–
lems people will have in the rnil–
lenni um? I t wi ll probably be a
tendency to gain weight! There
wi ll be such an abundance of
good food and drink that sorne
peoplc are very likely going to
grow a li ttle too fat. "And in
this rnountain shall the Lord of
hosts make un to all people a
feast of fat things ... " ( l saiah
Of course, one of the laws
of healt h i s t hat g lu ttony is
wrong. T he Bi ble stresses mod–
e ration (Ph ilippians 4:5). Ex–
pe rts will be needed to help
people d iscover what and how
much foods are good for the ir
individual body chemist r ies, and
how much exercise they should
have in order to maintain per–
fect, radiant healtb.
There should be oppor tun1t1es
here for people so inclined. Jesus
has already endorsed the princi–
pie of "count ing the cost" of a
g iven project (Luke 14:28).
Wherever there is any industry
or commercial act ivity, costs wi ll
have to be counted, test waste
resu lt. Someone wi ll have to
keep track of where a business's
money goes. H owever, since
people will be taught honesty,
t he re wi ll be no demand for
March 1981
"fraud audits." People in busi–
ness will becorne honest and will
present tbeir financial condition
honestly, without rnanipulating
numbers and categories of ex–
pense to rnake thernselves look
A no-growth field. Laws wi ll be
much simpler in God 's wor ld:
people will be able to understand
the intent and principie of the law
without special legal training.
Furthermore, J esus Christ and
his fellow spi r it brethren- not
human judges- will do the judg–
ing " .. . he shall not j udge after
the sight of h is eyes, neither
reprove after the hearing of his
ears" ( Isaiah 11 :3).
That means there will be no
need for lawyers to try to make
a guilty rnan look innocent , or
argue the case of a man who has
been wronged- since the judge
will al ready know both the facts
and the applicable law of God.
Absol utely no demand at all .
God's Government wi ll be divine
government. All who will hold
government office will be super–
natural beings- members of the
God Family. (Of course, t be pros–
pect of a world without politicians
ought to be a cause for rejoicing
all by itself!)
Mllltary Officers:
Again, absolutely no openings.
T here will be no wars, no threat
of wars, nor need to learn about
war (Isaiah
Rather, there
wi ll be complete peace on earth
without any need for a military
establishment : " ... they shall be
safe in their land ..." (Ezekiel
T he Wor ld Tomorrow wi ll have
plenty of need for gardeners. I t
will be a t ime of the " restitution
of all things" (Acts
3:21 ).
of Eden-like conditions will pre–
vail, and in the original Garden of
Eden, the job that God gave to
Adam was gardening (Genesis
God is a multibill ionai re
heavenly Father who lives in
splendiferous beauty! I n his
world, people will have beautiful,
magn ificent gardens. But not
everyone may have enough time
to devote proper attention to
them. Full-tirne gardeners will
be in demand. An added benefit
to the job wi ll be that the nature
of gardening will be easier in the
World Tomorrow. God will
remove the curse he put on the
earth when Adam sinned (Gene–
sis 3: 18), so thorns and thistles
are not going to be the pain that
tbey are today.
There were plenty of full-tirne
musicians in ancient Israel under
King David, and since a resu r–
rected King David will be a lead–
er in the World Tomorrow, the
same pattern will again apply.
David took a par ticular in terest in
music- particularly religious mu–
sic- when he was king of Israel.
C hronicles
course, in the World Tomorrow,
the music that is part of rel igious
worship services wi ll be the spe–
cial responsibi li ty of a particular
group of people, the descendants
of the tribe of Levi of the nation
of Is rael. Nevertheless, the gener–
al abundance of the millennium
will generate a strong demand for
uplifting, wholesome, inspiring
music outside the rel ig ious con–
T hese are sorne of the jobs
about whic h Scripture gives
di rect indicat ion. It should be
obvious, though, that there will
be many d ifferent career opportu–
nities in God's world. Everyone
rnay own sorne land, but not
everyone will be a farmer. People
have different talents, incl inations
and abilities. In God's ·Church,
where people are in training for
the World Tomor row, today there
are di fferent "gifts" (according to
abil ities) , and those who have di f–
ferent abil ities specialize in them
(Romans 12:6-8). So in God's
world those with di fferent talents
will also do d ifferent things. We
won' t al l have to make our own
shoes, weave ou r own carpets or
install our own plumbing. There
will be a wide variety of jobs for
all. o