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across the face of the earth. So wc
"And they shall build the old
wastes, they shall raise up the for–
mer desolations, and they shall
repair the waste cities, the desola–
tions of many generations"
( lsaiah 61:4).
God will cause the earth to
produce abundant vegetation,
including trees, to supply build–
ing materials: " Is it not yet a litt le
while . . . and the fruitful field
shall be regarded as a forest"
(lsaiah 29:17 RSV). There will
be no shortage of lumber for con–
struction- or paper fo r the
printed word!
A re lated a rea, car pen try,
should also be a g rowing
field in the World
T?morrow. T he future
Kmg of the world, Jesus
Christ, was a carpenter when he
read in fin a nc ia! or
economica lly oriented
magazines of the outlook
for va ri o us jobs in th e
future. Certa in kinds of
jobs are known to domínate
in certa in times.
l n the 1970s, computer pro–
gramming and systems analy–
s is were t he up-and-coming
jobs. I n t he 198 0 s, so rn e
experts are pred icti ng eng i–
nee ring to have a re newed
futu re .
We know what professions are
in demand in t his world . Bu t
what about the World Tomor–
row-God's world?
What kind of jobs will
ab le to mortal humans afte r
Chris t has returned and set up his
Governme n t? T o r eveal more
about what God's World will be
like during t he soon-coming mil–
The Plain Truth
sents this job su rvey for the
World Tomorrow.
Construc tion, Englneering, and
Big "growtb" arcas in the World
Tomorrow. When Chr ist retu rns,
t he world is going to be full of
ruins. Wars will have been fought
was on earth the fi rst time (Mark
6:3), and the forthcoming bui ld–
ing boom wi ll require men and
women to design and construct
panels, cabinets, desks, and other
interior items.
Farming , Food Preserving and
People in t his line of wor k wi ll
also do well- t here wi ll be abun–
dance of food in God's world- no
one need ever again go hu ngry. In
fact, tbere may be so much food
that demand for ways to store and
preserve it will be j ust as impor–
tant as growing it.
" Behold, t he days come, sait h
t he Lord , that the plowman shall
ove r take the reape r , a nd t he
treader of grapes him t hat soweth
seed ..."(Amos 9:13).
But whi le storers and preserv–
ers of food will be wanted , God
will not allow the kind of thing
that has happened in tbis world,
where food is overprocessed and/
or preserved with harmful sub–
stances. For t unately, Christ–
who created t he wor ld-will be
on earth and available to show
men how to preserve or d ist r ibu te
food without overprocessing it.
T ravel Agents, Rest aurants,
Resort Opera tors:
Anotber big growth area. There
wi ll be incredible opportun ities
for travel in God's world.
Each year, the representatives
of all families on ear th will trav–
el to the future world 's capital,
J erusalem, to keep the Feast of
T abernacles (Zechar iah 14: 16).
The remainder of the world will
observe the Festival in other
locations specificaJiy des ignated
by God (Deuteronomy 16: 15).
This means incredi ble numbers
of travel arrangements, motel
(or their equivalent in God's
world) bookings and meals away
from borne. Travel agents, motel
and restaurant operators, and
possibly even computer program–
mers (to coordinate it all ) will
have muc h to do dur ing such
"rush" periods.
Likewise there will be travel
oppor tunities dur ing tbe land sab–
batbs and the jubilee years when
farmers will Jet their land be fa l–
low ( Leviticus 25:18-23).
Unlike today, demand for teach–
ers will be ext remely strong.
T be fables, líes and superstitions
of t b is world will need to be
un learned. There is a d irect
p ro phecy of s uc h an occu r-
" ... t he Gent iles shall come
unto t hee from t he ends of the
earth, and shall say, S u rely our
fat h e r s have i nhe ri ted l íes ,
vanity, and things wherein there
is no p r ofit" ( J e r emiah
Furt hermore, chi ldren g rowing
up in t he World Tomorrow wil l
need to learn to read , write and
calculate j ust as much as they do
Publishing and Communications:
S teady g rowth . "The earth shall
be full of t he knowledge of t he
Lord, as t he waters cover t he
sea," (Isaiah 11 :9).
In the World T omorrow, true
knowledge, based on God's reve–
lation, will be widely d issemi–
nated. There will be one pure
la nguage on earth (Z e phaniah
3: 9)-which is bad news for
most t ranslators. On the other
hand, since all the world wi ll be
literate, the market for whole–
some, edify ing literature, poet ry,