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(Continued from page 14)
responsibilities- have not even
tried to be the heads and 1eaders
of their homes but have been
lazy, ne'er-do-well and degener–
ate individuals.
Inspiration to grow? By this
mean that the husband should not
only lead the family in general,
but should be the inspirer for
each and every member of the
family to develop bis or her full
potential as a human being and
heir of God.
A wise and loving husband
should inspire and encourage his
wife to grow in bodily health. He
should be solicitous about her
getti ng e nough sleep, enough
exercise, the proper diet and the
right kind of recreation.
Actually, although this should
not be bis motive, in helping bis
wife he is helping himself. For a
strong, graceful and healthy body
is certainly the basis of a warm,
vivacious and loving personality.
And certainly every right-minded
man would want to keep bis wife
sweet and beautiful as bis sweet–
heart throughout their life to–
He should also encourage his
wife in mental development. He
should realize that many wives
tend to stagnate, become bored
with Iife, bog down in their use of
English, their knowledge of world
affairs and their intellectual
development in general.
Therefore, a dynamic husband
and leader should inspire bis wife
to study different types of books
and news magazines, share with
her the interesting outside news
and information he is receiving in
his work and contacts, take her
occasionally to enlivening lectures,
concerts or educational movies.
When possible, an inspiring trip
will add agreat deal toa wife's out–
look on the world in general and
her own Iife in particular.
Every husband should be most
concerned with his wife's happi–
ness and personality. He should
inspire and encourage her constant
development and growth in these
areas. Certainly by loving and
helping her-sharing deeply with
her his hopes and aspirations- he
will be a tremendous inspiration to
her in this regard. Whenever possi–
ble, he should express affection to
her inthe right way- showing by a
thousand big and little things that
he laves her deeply, appreciates
her and wants her happiness above
all else.
A real leader and husband wil l
patiently correct those und er
him- even including bis wife
when necessary. But he will strive
to do this with kindness and with
patience in a way that encourages
one to overcome the fault without
fee ling beaten down and
By all of this outgoing concern,
and by making sure bis wife does
get the right amount of recreation,
travel and friendly association with
others of like interest, a husband
may be assured that bis wife is hav–
ing a full and balanced Iife as God
intended, and is even in this laying
up a rich storeoftreasures that will
bring forth happiness in marriage
for years to come.
The area of character develop–
ment is one also in which a really
strong and masculine husband
should take the lead.
All too often, especially in our
modero world, meo seem to think
that it is up to the wife to talk about
spiritual things and get the chil–
dren interested in things concern–
ing God and the Church. This is
not true and any man who fails bis
God-given responsibility in this is
simply sell ing out his own birth–
right. For God intended the man–
if he will act on bis responsibilities
and opportunities- to be the spiri–
tual leader in the borne.
Notice this inspired scriptural
statement: "But
would have you
know, that the head of every man
is Christ; and the head of the
woman is the man; and the head
of Christ is God"
11 :3).
is your responsibility, hus–
bands, to take and to maintain the
sp iritual leadership of your
Don't Fail Your Responslblllty
Entirely too many of you have
failed utterly in this responsibili-
ty. You have supposed that reli–
gion was for old men, women and
children. But you have supposed
For the strongest men who
have ever lived have been the
servants and prophets of Al–
mighty God! Sorne day , very
soon, you are going to know
Every husband has the oppor–
tunity to be the direct represen–
tative of God over bis own
borne-in teaching, instructing,
leading and inspiring wife and
children to learn of the Holy
Bible and to worship and serve
the God who made them. Most
wives and children will gladly
respond if given half a chance.
Men need to realize this and,
first of all, set a dynamic exam–
ple of dedication to tbeir Cre–
ator, study of His Word, prayer
to God at mealtimes-and fami–
ly prayer- and prívate prayer on
one's knees in the bedroom,
closet or other prívate place.
The man should set an exam–
ple of self-discipline in the fear
of God. He should show that he
is man enough-strong enough
-to conquer bis lusts and con–
trol his appetites and take cor–
rection. By conquering bis smok–
ing habit, by contro lling his
drinking and other appetites, by
restraining his emotions and
directing them in the right chao–
neis, by controlling and guiding
his tongue according to the "Jaw
of kindness," he can set an
example that will never be for–
gotten by his sons and daughters
as they grow up. And this exam–
ple will certainly command the
respect, admiration and love of
any right-minded woman.
Think on tbese things, then,
you husbands! With God's help,
every last one of us can increase
in the love, kindness and effec–
tiveness we have shown as hus–
bands and fathers.
Review these basic principies.
Put them to work in your mar–
riage. Then reap the blessings,
the stability and the deep down
joy that comes from building
your marriage the way the Cre–
ato r intended marriage to