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What Our Readers Say
The Family
Jeff Calkins's article, "T he Move–
ment to Destroy the Family" was an
eye-and-emotional wake-up concern–
ing my family. Now that we know
this is happening,
would like to
suggest more articles in training our
families to believe and trust in God,
so we as parents, won't turn off our
Other articles were just as good,
The "Open Letter" concerning
refugees in Thailand helps me to
really desire God's Kingdom, so I
could be of help in sorne small way to
bring peace, food and fun to these
children. They look so innocent, yet
so vulnerable, that
would !ove to see
them grow up happy, healthy and
God-fearing. Thanks Mr. Sexton for
a very warm letter.
Enclosed is a check to help God
finish this Work. Wish it could be
Mrs. A.C. Bush
Bolingbrook, Illinois
(Continued f rom page 9)
just is not good, nor to strike
princes for equity" (P roverbs
Yet in today's evi l world,
where is there justice? It is as
God prophesied through the
prophet Isaiah (l saiah 59:4, 9 and
14): Human rulers overstep their
authority, applying force against
those who do no evil, while at the
same time are all too often very
lax about evildoers.
J udges and legislatures refuse
to enforce contracts and Jet mur–
derers get off with probation or
easy parole. Government officials
Papal Leadership
seems certain Pope John Paul 11
will make quite a name for himself if
his reign over the Roman Catholic
Church lasts at least five years. Bar–
ring his sudden, soon death, he'll be a
world figure of sorne stature. As you
state Americans of all faiths were
much impressed by him.
Frederick J . Miller
Cedar Rapids, Iowa
Disaste r in lran
1 particularly enjoyed the June–
July articles on Iran and poison gas
However: re "America's Disaster
in Iran- Why lt Happened" missed
one or more of the really essential
points, as follows:
l. No back-up team (or teams)
2. Political controls superseding
Military "on the scene" controls.
3. Failure to consider alternatives.
4. Warfare, aggression, or a mili–
tary action of any type is the result of
the failure by government to cope
with a situation by political means.
apportion such benefits as who
gets to go to medica} school on
the basis of race, not merit, while
young punks who terrorize poor
elderly ladies (remember Na–
than's parable of the ewe lamb?)
spend a few hou rs in the copnty
jail. Murderers with money hire
good lawyers and get off with less
severe sentences tban murderers
who don't-wben each deserves
to pay in
proportion to the /ife of
his victim- death .
But tbe cruel injustice of
today's world will soon end.
Christ J esus will do under God's
government what human rulers
should have done all along. That
is the good news-the Gospel
that J esus brought and taught
When political means fail, and mili–
tary action is needed , the military
should be left free. to plan and accom–
plish the military mission without
political interference. The necessity
is obvious-disaster and failure re–
sult. Had the mi litary, with its built–
in expertise been left to handle the
lran situation, alternatives would
have been considered and a sufficient
back-up team or teams would have
been provided.
The Elderly
George F. Hilger
Chula Vista, California
just wanted to comment on the
article "How Different Societies
Treat the Elderly" by Clayton Steep
in the May issue of
The Plain Truth.
The article really told it like it is.
Every American should read it. May–
be it will open up their eyes and see
how this country treats the elderly
and to begin to care for our elderly in
the right way.
Jessica Steward
University of Mississippi
His apostles. That is the message
we announée.
God's government will dis–
pense j ustice. One of the very
pu rposes for which God will
establish His government is to
bring "justice from henceforth
even for ever " ( l saiab 9:7) .
Christ, as Head of that govern–
ment, "shall execute judgment
and justice in the earth" (Jere–
miah 23:5).
The cruel unfairness, the dis–
proportionality, the inequity of
today's world will be gone. People
will receive the fruit of their
labor. They will not have to fear
losing what they have to war or
robbery or fraud. It truly will be a
wonderful World Tomorrow.