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Voice Cries Out
(Continued from page 6)
opened to God's
and eter–
na! salvation will be opened to
But God intended to preserve
human life- to give humanity a
new and fresh start.
hiterracial Marriage
One man only, Noah, was "per–
fect" in bis generations. That is,
bis heredity, ancestry (Genesis
Proof of this lies in the mean–
ing of the Hebrew word trans–
lated "perfect." It may refer
either to spiritual character (Gen–
esis 17: 1) or to
physica/ charac–
(Leviticus 22:2 1).
Therefore Genesis 6:9 allows the
translation that Noah was either
"blameless" or "unblemished."
The context (Genesis 6:2) clearly
indicates the latter is the intended
meaning of "perfect. " So a good
rendering of Genesis 6:9 is that
Noah was the only "just" man (in
spiritual character), and also "un–
blemished" (in his genetic heri–
tage) among bis contemporaries.
The subject matter of the
chapter is the generations ances–
try of Noah. Exceeding wicked–
ness had developed through those
generations, by Noah's genera–
tion reaching a climactic crisis
that world.
What was this universal evil
and corruption? Jesus described
that universal, corrupt evi l as
"eating and drinking, marrying
and giving in marriage" (Mat–
thew 24:38). Eating food and
drinking water is not evil. Marry–
ing is not evi l in itself. There had
to be
wrong use
eating, drinking and marrying–
the evil was
in the manner,
and in
the extent
of eating, drinking and
It could only be eating improp–
er food, drinking excessively of
alcoholic drinks, revellings (Gala–
tians 5:21), rioting, violence.
Marrying to be evil had to be, as
in Genesis 6:2, when men "took
them daughters of all which
chose." There was rampant and
universal interracial marriage-
September 1980
so exceedingly universal that
Noah, only,
was unblemished or
perfect in his generations-his
ancestry. He was of the original
pure white strain.
is amply evident that by the
time of Noah there were at least
tbe three primary or major racial
strains on earth, the white, yellow
and black, although interracial
marriage produced many
God does not reveal in the Bible
the precise origin of the di fferent
races. It is evident that Adam and
Eve were created white. God's
chosen nation Israel was white.
Jesus was white. But it is a fair
conjecture that in mother Eve
were created ovaries containing
the yellow and black genes, as well
as white, so that sorne of the
children of Adam and Eve gave
rise to black, yellow, as well as
The one man God chose to
the human race alive
after tbe Flood was
perfect in his
his ancestry
back to Adam wa<> of the one
strain, and undoubtedly that hap–
pened to be
white- not
white is in any sense superior.
you are a livestock breeder,
planning to enter your prize ani–
mals in a livestock show-per–
haps at a state or county fair–
you will be sure to enter only
thoroughbred or pedigreed stock!
Mixing the breed tends toward
degeneration . .
God originally
set the bounds
national borders, intending nations
to be
and prevent
interracial marriage. Not ice,
"When the most High divided to
the nations their inheritance
[speaking of land or geographical
boundaries], when He
the sons
of Adam, He set the bounds of the
people ..." (Deuteronomy 32:8).
But people wanted to intermar–
ry- until there would be only
That desire seems still inherent
in human nature today!
Noab was of perfect lineage in
his generations. His wife and
three sons were of that same pure
white strain. But Japheth
evidently had married a yel-
low woman, and Ham a black.
Soon after the Flood, the
world's small population was all of
one language and gathered to–
gether building the tower of Babel.
Their purpose? "Lest we be scat–
tered abroad upon the face of the
whole earth" (Genesis 11 :4).
But God said, "The people is
one, and they have all one lan–
guage, and this they
to do:
<1nd now nothing will be re–
strained from them which they
have imagined to do" (verse 6).
This expresses how great God
made the mind of man.
But, just as God created vari–
eties in many species of flowers
and of animals- for example,
many varieties and colors of
roses-for greater beauty, so God
created tbe three races and colors
of human skin. God intended to
prevent racial intermarriages. But
man has always wanted to violate
God's laws, intentions and ways.
So God compelled a scattering
by mixing their language. "So the
Eterna! scattered them abroad
from thence upon the face of all
the earth; and they left off to
build the city" (verse 8) .
Today the English language is
fast becoming the chief interna–
tional language. Men are entering
mixed marriages, and starting to
get back to one worldwide lan–
Shem, theson ofNoah, who had
mar r ied a white woman, may have
continued for sorne time in the
knowledge and perhaps worship of
God. But there is no record of any
walking with God until Abraham,
whom God specially called to have
a function preparatory to the King–
dom of God. But the pure white
strain probably was retai ned until
Man of Destiny
Abram, as he was originally
named, was not seeking God. But
God called Abram to leave the land
of h is father and kindred and go to
a land God would show him- the
"promised land" of Canaan. With–
out protest or question, Abram
obeyed, and went. And through bis
obed ience and faith in God, Abra–
ham became the "father of the
faithful. " To him God made the