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M.D., wrote in
response to this trend: "Educa–
tors have said for years that all we
need to do [in public school sex
education] is 1) provide copious
amounts of sexual knowledge to
children from kindergarten
through high school, and 2)
remove, altogether, the old 'victo–
rían' teachings of virtue, chastity
and individual responsibility un–
der God to obey the Ten Com–
mandments, thus freeing children
from guilt feelings concerning
sexuality. The educators have
failed to see that in freeing chil–
dren from God-fearing self-con–
trol they have enslaved them to
the jailor of their own lust."
Your Responsibillty
Why have so many parents for–
saken their responsibility to set a
right and positive example for
their children? Why have so
many refused to shoulder their
responsibility to teach right sex–
ual and moral values? Why are so
many homes confused about right
sexual standards?
Because they are not living the
way God instructs!
Hush-hush sex in homes on
one hand and the all-too-common
encouragement within society to
"do your own thing" on the other
are a doubled-barreled curse. The
consequences have been untold
millions of ruined minds, emo–
tions and bodies. Whole nations
as well as individuals and families
are under this curse.
is time to make sure you and
your children are living different–
ly than the way the great majority
are living their lives.
Proper sex education is more
than a study of physiology, anato–
my or physical techniques. Hu–
man sexuality touches everything
we are, feel and do. It affects how
we relate with every other per–
son-male and female--on every
leve) in life.
That is why a sex-anatomy les–
son or two in a school alone is
doomed to failure.
fails to teach
proper human relationships–
which are most effectively taught
in the borne environment by right
example and teaching. Schools,
moreover, are less and less em-
September 1980
phasizing right character-devel–
opment. They-and many
churches also-fail to unite sex–
ual knowledge with the divine
purpose of human life.
Wrong Spiritual lnfluence
More than just misguided human
emotions or misguided human
values are behind our present
trend in "do-your-own-thing"
sexual behavior.
is time you began to under–
stand that
as well as
human sources can lead unsuspect–
ing and unaware humans into cor–
rupt sex attitudes and feelings.
The Bible reveals that a great
fallen spirit being, a super arch–
angel who rebelled against God
Mates who real/y /oye
each other
are living
advertisements of the
rewards a!ld value of
marriage, the family unit
and children.
' '
and His laws, and a host of fallen
angels with him, are working to
implant corrupt values and feel–
ings in human minds (Ephesians
2:1-3). This great fallen spirit,
who sways all nations, is now
called Satan. The results of yield–
ing to and cultivating satanic–
induced emotions are listed in
Galatians 5: 19-21.
Satan and bis demons deceive
humans to abuse their sexuality,
get them hooked on wrong sexual
ideas, feelings, desires and habits.
Human beings so seduced are not
able to understand, appreciate or
fulfill God's laws and purpose of
life. Nor are they able to establish
sound human and marital rela–
Satan is undermining the hu–
man race-and covering up God's
purposes for mankind-through
wrong sexual knowledge! He
bates the awesome purposes, les–
sons and blessings that the right
use of sex teaches and produces.
Modern sociology and educa–
tion are utterly unaware of this
corrupt influence behind today's
Satan-inspired "sexual revolu–
tion." They have rejected the
Source that reveals it.
Satan and bis host have been
encouraging wrong sex attitudes
ever since man was created. "For
we are not contending against
flesh and blood," reveals Scrip–
ture, "but against ... rulers of
this present darkness, against the
spiritual hosts of wickedness in
the heavenly places" (Ephesians
6: 12, Revised Standard
Rejected Sex Education Course
Why should sex be a source of so
much embarrassment and hush–
hush? Why should the miracle of
life and how it begi.ns be a matter
of so much shame and guilt?
God's Word, the Bible- the
revelation of essential knowledge
to mankind-encourages no such
approach or attitudes toward
Do you know that God intends
you to use the Bible as a frame–
work to help you teach your chil–
dren about the right use of
human sexuality?
The Bible is a handbook from
the Creator about right and
wrong human and sexual relation–
First, to be an effective parent,
you must straighten out your own
values-bring them into agree–
ment with God's. Then you can
use the knowledge and values
revealed in the Bible to teach
fundamental knowledge about
sex. You can answer your chil–
dren's questions about sex with–
out shame or guilt.
Tbere is much information to
assist you in teaching your chil–
dren accurate and wholesome
knowledge about sex. With a cor–
rect understanding of God's laws
and purposes for sex, you can
evaluate and use otber sound
illustrated and instructive materi–
als to assist you.
An expanded article on such an
approach to sex education will
appear in a coming issue of this
magazine. You won't want to
miss it!