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(Continued from page 33)
commandment covers
that belongs to your neighbor–
and, for that matter,
that belongs to God!
Jesus Himself said, "Beware of
covetousness" (Luke 12: 15).
Our only security in this world
is God Himself. Ultimately, He is
the only Being who can secure
our material well-being. But He
enjoins humanity to
He will
make provision for our physical
No Self·reetralnt?
Alexander Solzhenitsyn has now
resided in the West for about
years. He has had time to come to
sorne sound observations and re–
ftections about the Western char–
acter. Our preoccupation with
legalism and carrying everything
to the extreme limit has not
escaped his notice. He com–
mented, " One almost never sees
voluntary restraint."
Today we want maximum re–
wards for mínimum effort. Al–
most nobody goes the extra mi le
anymore. There are very few
"profitable servants" in our pres–
ent evil age.
Another manifestation of this
peculiar quirk of human nature
is "going just as far as you can
without slipping over the
So many want to go just as far
in the wrong way as they dare.
But as this magazine's editor–
in-chief has written: "God's way
is to go, sincerely, wholchearted1y
and earnestly, just
as far
in the
right direction as possible. God's
way is todo more than is required
of you"
(Personal from the Edi–
January, 1963,
The Plain
p. 10).
From the onset of his exi1e
Alexander Solzhenitsyn has
stressed the view that the major
reason for communist inroads
around the world is the existence
of a religio-moral crisis in the
West. The Western world would
do well to heed-and
act upon–
his well-chosen words!
(Continued from page 32)
circumstance. Sorne foreign na–
tions- particularly in Europe–
require state-approved sex in–
struction for children whether
parents want it or not.
But what are your children
learning? Are you properly in–
structing them to recognize
wrong sexual values and lifestyles
if they are presented in such
classes, or under any other cir–
lt Paya to Know
Most teachers of sex education
classes in schools know they can–
not really make up· for the failure
of right teaching and values in
bornes and churches. They may
feel hesitant or unqualifi.ed for
the task. They try, even if reluc–
tant, to do the best they can in an
age of diverse and changing sex–
ual values. Many teachers are
forced by school or government
policy to be nonjudgmental in
regards to various sexual acts.
However, the trend pushed by
writers and publishers of sex–
education materials for public
schools is clearly more and more
permissive, particularly in recom–
mendations for children entering
puberty ages.
An example of this is a recently
published sex education guide–
book for teachers in California
Education for Human
It recommended:
• Between ages 3 and 9, "sex–
ual intercourse" becomes a key
word of instruction, and young–
sters might discuss "sexual mo–
lestation" at age 6. (Discussion of
the latter, tragically, is needed in
our age. But parents should be
doing it first; the schools can
reinforce it.)
• At age 9, pupils may begin to
study menstruation, conception
and read booklets that say mas–
turbation is acceptable and nor–
mal. (Aimost no one understands
and states the psychological
harms of (Tlasturbation.)
• At ages 1
and 11, a teacher
might encourage discussion of
family problems. (Unfortunately
no absolute judgments of right
and wrong actions between the
sexes are permitted.)
• At ages 12 to 15, teachers
may lead students to a local drug
store and check the availability of
contraceptive products. I t is also
suggested that students might
consider a wide variety of life–
styles, including homosexuality,
communes, group marriage and
couples living together without
Fortunately, this book only
makes recommendations. Most
teachers are careful in their out–
look and approach, but a growing
number are being inftuenced by
such ideas.
I n Britain, a government–
funded family planning organiza–
tion produced a booklet entitled
Learning to Live With Sex
children ages 13 and upwards.
The booklet contained six pages
on contraceptive methods, 10
lines on responsibility almost en–
tirely equated with the use of
contraceptives and no section on
Another currículum guide for
seventh and eighth graders in one
American city says, "Stress what
is right for the individual." In
Intelligent Choice of a Sexual
Lije Style
the seventh grader is
advised to set for himself a purely
"personal standard of sexual be–
havior." No religious views, no
community moral standards are
to deftect him from bis overriding
purposes of self-discovery, self–
assertion and self-gratification.
Shocked? You should be!
Increasingly this is the trend of
ideas that are being encouraged
for public sex-education classes.
These ideas are based on human–
ist philosophy, the kind that most
educators, sociologists and medí–
cal personnel have been trained
Such philosophy holds that
there are no intrinsic rights or
wrongs, only what doesn't "hurt"
someone, only what is acceptable
behavior to a society at a given
time. Thus, "success" in any
school sex education course is
achieved if sorne students start
using contraceptive devices.
Severa} years ago, Karl H.