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for public display. No gold bricks,
reposing in deep, subterranean
vaults-utterly useless except for
their meaning-no fear of tbievery,
or robbery. But breathtakingly
beautiful decorations for the capi–
tal building, the Temple in which
Christ will dwell.
A fixed standard will be set up,
and values will never change.
No more speculating or gam–
bling on other people's ability.
Never again will any person be–
come rich from investing in the
labors and creative ability of an–
other person. No more s tock mar–
kets, world banks, fmancing cen–
ters, in su rance companies,
mortgage companies, loan agencies,
or time payments.
In God's abundant government
people will buy only what they
need, when they can afford it,
when they have tbe casb to pay for
it. No more interes t. And no more
The Tlthlng System
But the tithing system will be uni–
Today's governments demand up
to 40, 50, and even 90 percent in
inheritance taxes, income taxes,
hidden taxes; federal, state, county,
school board and city taxes.
But God requires only ten per–
cent. And out of tbat ten percent
will be financed the entire govern–
mental , educational and spiritual
leadership of the whole earth.
"Will a man rob God? Yet ye
have robbed me. But ye say,
Wherein have we robbed thee?
[And God answers] In tithes and
offerings. Ye are cursed with a
curse: for ye have robbed me, even
this whole nation. Bring ye all the
tithes into the storehouse, that
there may be meat in mine house,
and prove me now berewitb, saith
the Lord of hosts, if 1 wiU not open
you the windows of heaven, and
pour you out a blessing, that there
shall not be room enough to receive
it" (Mal. 3:8-10). That 's a
prophecy for now.
And what a blessing that
None of the financial burdeos that
curse most peoples today.
God says financial blessings are
to become the order of the day.
Take away thievery, robbery, ac–
cidents, weather damage, rust, rot
October 1986
and decay, from plants, stores,
manufacturing concerns. How
much less could merchandise tben
sell for-and at bow much greater
The Weather Patterne
Take away weather problems, in–
sect damage, blight and fungus
from farmers- losses through gov–
ernment price controls and over–
flooding of markets- and wbat
would be their lot in life?
God will accomplisb these
Our God is a multibillionaire
heavenly Father. " The gold is
mine," be says (Hag. 2:8).
And God wants every child of
his to truly prosper. " Beloved, 1
wish above all things that thou
mayest pros per and be in
health ..." (III John 2). Christ
" 1
aro come that they migbt
have life, and that they might
have it more abundantly" (Jobo
God wants fullness, abundance
in every life.
But loc;>k at the material "suc–
cesses" you've known. How truly
happy are tbey? As J. Paul Getty,
one of the world's richest meo, is
reputed to have said , "I'd give all
my millions for just one happy
In God's kingdom, commands of
his will be obeyed. They'll become
the standard for regulating com–
merce, business, finance, and the
entire economic structure of the
world .
And all will be on the giving
basis. Christ said: "Give, and it
shall be given unto you; good mea–
sure, pressed down, and shaken to–
getber, and running over, shal l men
give into your bosom. For witb tbe
same measure that ye mete withal
it shall be measured to you again"
(Luke 6:38).
The giving standard will be fol–
lowed in God 's rule on this
earth-not the grasping, conniv–
ing, striving, deceitful , clandes–
tine, furtive, scurrilous, devious,
cheating and lying chicanery that
is commonplace in today's busi–
ness world.
But when God converts rebel–
lious mankind by the display of bis
mighty power-when he brings to
pass bis promise: " As 1 live, saith
the Lord, every knee shall bow to
me, and every tongue sball confess
to God" (Rom. 14:11) , when he
humbles the vain, proud spirit of
man- then man will be made will–
ing to give.
And until God breaks the
haughty spirit of man (Isa. 2:10-
12, 17)- the peoples of earth will
not be ready to accept such a won–
derful , loving, generous, honest,
giving standard for the whole econ–
would require a thick book to
begin to describe the wonderful
conditions that could prevail on
this earth- and that
prevail, when the human heart is
humbled, converted-given the
very nature of God
Pet. 1:4).
Never again will anyone build a
building he can't afford , and
doesn' t need, to lease and rent to
tenants who help bim pay for it.
No more interest. God says it is sin
to lend money at "usury" or inter–
Once each fifty years, all debts,
public and prívate, will be can–
celed, completely.
Economy of the World Healed
Since governments will be in the
hands of the spiritual family of
God, and partially administered by
those human leaders directly under
that great ruling family-and since
there will be no huge bureaus
watching other huge bureaus,
which are suspiciously watching
other bureaus; no military estab–
lishment; no "intelligence" (spy)
agencies or members of lnterpol;
no huge cartels, monopolies,
unions, or giant government spend–
ing-the economy of the world will
be healed.
Think of it. No more foreign
aid-none of the wasted billions to
buy " lovers" (allies) (Ezek. 23:9 ,
22; Lam. 1:2, 19; Ezekiel, 16th
chapter) who turn and rend you
later. No more strings-attached
government grants to industry, to
science and space technology, to
schools and institutions for re–
Instead, every necessary indus–
try, educational institution, and
business will be in sound financia}
Wbat a world that will be!
(Continued on page 20)