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fatness, and my people shall be sat–
isfied with my goodness, saith the
Lord" (Jer. 31:12-14) .
And why not have good health?
Why should we be so willing to
believe such a perfect state of
health and joy is impossible? Why
are all these scriptures ignored by
professing Christian preaching?
Instead they picture going to
heaven with idleness and ease and
no accomplishment.
There are blessings for observing
the laws of health-absolute guar–
antees good health will result- and
that sickness and disease will be–
come in the third and fourth gener–
ations a thing of the past.
Notice what God promised bis
people: " ... if thou shalt hearken
diligently unto the voice of the
Lord thy God, to observe and todo
all bis commandments which 1
command thee this day ... all
these blessings shall come on thee,
and overtake thee, if thou shalt
hearken unto the voice of the Lord
thy God.
"Blessed shalt thou be in the
city, and blessed shalt thou be in
the field . Blessed shall be the fruit
of tby body, and the fruit of thy
ground, and the fruit of thy cattle,
the increase of thy kine, and the
flocks of thy sheep. Blessed shall
be thy basket and thy store" (Deut.
28:1 -5).
Also, God shows individual races
returning to their own lands, re–
populating them. "He shall cause
them that come of Jacob to take
root: Israel shall blossom and bud,
and fill the face of the world with
fruit" (Isa. 27:6).
God says the wastes will be re–
" For, behold, 1 am for you, and
1 will turn unto you, and ye shall
be tilled and sown: and I will mul–
tiply men upon you, al! the house
of Israel, even all of it: and the
cities shall be inhabited, and the
wastes shall be builded: and I will
multiply upon you man and beast;
and they shall increase and bring
fruit: and I will settle you after
your dld estates ..." (Ezek. 36:9-
11) .
Read the whole chapter of
Ezekiel 36. God says: " ... I will
also cause you to dwell in the cit–
ies, and the wastes shall be
builded.... This land that was des-
olate is become like the garden of
Eden; and the waste and desolate
and ruined cities are become
fenced, and are inhabited" (verses
33, 35).
And what about all other na–
Notice: "In that day shall there
be a highway out of Egypt [Egypt
still exists as a nation] to Assyria
[many of whose people migrated
centuries ago to northcentral Eu–
rope-modern Germany], and the
difficulties and thousands of
painstaking hours of translations.
What an age it will be, when all the
world becomes truly educated–
and speaks the same language.
What about the Economlc
God shows Jerusalem will become
the financia} capital, as well as the .
spiritual capital, of earth.
J'he Creator says, of the newly ·
built city: "Then thou shalt see,
Assyrian shall come into
Egypt, and the Egyptian
into Assyria, and the
Egyptians shall serve
with the Assyrians. In
that day shall Israel be
the third with Egypt and
with Assyria, even a
blessing in the midst of
the land: whom the Lord
of hosts shall bless, say–
ing, Blessed be Egypt my
people, and Assyria the
work <;>f my hands, and
t a world that will be
when every necessary industry,
educational institution
and business will be in sound
financial condition.
Israel mine inheritance" (Isa.
Total Llteracy
Think what an almost unbelievable
step forward it would be, if al!
nations and peoples everywhere
spoke, and read, and wrote the
same language.
But today, vast areas of the earth
do not even possess a written lan–
guage. Millions upon millions are
illiterate--cannot read or write,
even their own names.
Once the returning Christ con–
quers this earth, he will usher in an
era of total literacy, total educa–
tion-and give the world orie, new,
pure language.
This subject by itself needs a
book to describe. The whole .liter–
ary processes of the whole earth
changed. Today, all languages are
corrupt. They are literally filled
with pagan, heathen terms- super–
stition-misnomers--exceptions to
rules-peculiar idioms.
God says: "For then will 1 turn
to the people a pure language, that
they may all call upon the name of
the Lord, to serve him with one
consent" (Zeph. 3:9).
Think of the new era of ·good
literature, good music, and of the
avoiding of duplicated effort, mis–
understandings through linguistic
and flow together, and thine heart
shall fear, and be enlarged; because
the abundance of the sea [the
world's gold and silver reserves are
mostly under the seas] shall be
converted unto thee, the forces
[wealth, margin] of the Gentiles
shall come unto thee" (Isa. 60:5).
But, as we've read, God
Almighty says he'll raise many
places now covered by waters of
the oceans; that he'll make much
more land available. Scientists
know most of the earth's raw mate–
rials lie in the strata beneath the
depths of the seas. God says this
vast wealth will become available
for use during the reign of Jesus
Christ on this earth.
God says the wealth of the world
will be centered in Jerusalem, and
that the vast rebuilding programs,
rehabilitaion processes and new–
age pioneering that begin will be
backed by that wealth.
" ... Yet once, it is a little while,
and 1 will shake the heavens, and
the earth, and the sea, and the dry
land; and 1 will shake all nations,
and the desire [desirable things,
margin] of all nations shall come:
and 1 will fill this house with glory,
saith the Lord of hosts. The silver
is mine, and the gold is mine, saith
the Lord of hosts" (Hag. 2:6-8).
But God's great treasury will be