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scene? Deserts becoming green,
fertile , garden lands of trees,
s hrubs, bubbling s prings a nd
brooks; mountains brought low,
and made inhabitable.
Notice how God describes these
conditions in many parts of the
"Then shall the lame man leap
as an hart, and the tongue of the
dumb sing: for in the wilderness
shall waters break out, and streams
the desert. And the parched
ground shall become a pool, and
the thirsty land springs of water: in
the habitation of dragons Uackals],
where each lay, shall be grass with
reeds and rushes" (lsa. 35:6-7).
Read the whole 35th chapter of
God says: "The wilderness and
the solitary place shall be glad for
them; and the desert shall rejoice,
and blossom as the rose.
t shall
blossom abundantly, and rejoice
even with joy and singing .. ."
(verses 1-2).
Sorne years ago, in a dry, dusty
canyon deep in the profusion of
bilis between Bakersfield and Los
Angeles, California, a minor earth–
quake struck. The proprietors of a
small resort, now almost totally ig–
nored, and nearly always deserted
because of the parched conditions
of the area, were considering clos–
ing up and moving elsewhere.
Suddenly, a groaning, jolting
earthquake rippled through the
arid hills. Not long after the earth
rocked and groaned beneath thei r
feet, they heard a faint gurgling
sound. They ran to the dry, dusty
creek bed that coursed through
their property- and were utterly
amazed to see
swiftly along. As the creek gradu–
ally cleared up, they found the wa–
ter to be crystal clear and pure–
sweet and refreshing to drink.
Needless to say, their business
picked up again.
Somehow, the earthquake had
broken open an underground water
source, sending it cas cading
through their property.
Think about the vast wastes of
this earth. Does it sound incredi–
ble, unbel ievable that God could
make them blossom like a rose?
Why should it?
The mountains were
Great forces caused gigantic up-
October 1986
heavals, or huge cracks and slip–
pages in the crust of the earth.
Massive blocks of granite lunged
up into the sky-the earth rocking
and reeling in the throes of the
greatest earthquakes in its history.
Mountains were ma de- they
didn't just happen.
The God of all power, who
formed the hills and mountains
(Amos 4:13; Ps. 90:2), will reform
them- will reshape the surface of
this earth.
Read of the huge earthquakes
yet to come that will directly ac–
complish much of the rehabilita–
tion of the land surfaces. (See Rev–
elation 16:18; Zechariah 14:4.)
God says, "The mountains quake
at him, and the hills melt ..."
(Nah. 1:5).
Land Beneath Sea Reclalmed
Man recognizes much of the
wealth of the world líes beneath
the seas. Oil, gold, silver, and
dozens of minerals- these all re–
main unobtainable today, lying
untapped deep under the vast
oceans. Also, seawater contains a
great deal of gold and most of the
world's gold supplies are under
the oceans.
Many areas of the earth are rav–
aged by tidal action-by the cease–
less pounding of the surf that grad–
ually wears away additional land.
The lowlands of Europe, Holland
in particular, consist to quite an
extent of land reclaimed from the
Think of the multiple millions of
additional acre s available to
mankind if sorne of the world's
oceans were reduced in size. And
God says they shall be! Notice it,
" And the Lord shall utterly de–
stroy the tongue of the Egyptian
sea; and with bis mighty wind shall
he shake bis hand over the river,
and shall smite it in the seven
streams, and make meo go over
dryshod" (Isa. 11 :15).
Sounds incredible- but it's true!
When Jesus Christ becomes the
great Ruler of this earth, he will
use that great power. In vision,
John saw the angels praising Christ
at bis coming to rule this earth.
They said: " We give thee
thanks, O Lord God Almighty,
which art, and wast, and art to
come; because thou hast taken to
thee thy great power , and hast
reigned" (Rev. 11:17).
The combined force of right ed–
uca t ion about true health, and
healing of all sickness, when it is
repented of, will mean perfect,
utopian health.
Notice how God describes it.
"But there the glorious Lord will
be unto us a place of broad rivers
and streams; wherein shall go no
galley with oars, neither shall gal–
lant ship pass thereby. For the
Lord is our judge, the Lord is our
lawgiver, the Lord is our king; he
will save us....
"And the inhabitant shall not
say, I am sick: the people that
dwell therein shall be forgiven
their iniquity" (lsa. 33:21-22, 24).
Listen to this wonderful promise:
"Strengthen ye the weak hands, and
confirm the feeble knees. Say to
them that are of a fearful heart , Be
strong, fear not: behold, your God
will come with vengeance, even God
with a recompence; he will come and
save you. Then the eyes of the blind
shall be opened, and the ears of the
deaf shall be unstopped. Then shall
the lame man leap asan hart, and the
tongue of the dumb sing ..." (Isa.
God describes the rewards for
obedience to bis laws of merey and
love. Notice Isaiah 58:8: " Then
shall thy light break forth as the
morning, and thine health shall
spring forth speedily...."
Happlnesa In Health
In describing the conditions of
good health and plenty to be ush–
ered in upon the earth, God says,
"For I will restare health unto
thee, and 1 will heal thee of thy
wounds ..." (Jer. 30:17).
" Therefore they shall come and
sing in the height of Zion, and
shall flow together to the goodness
of the Lord, for wheat, and for
wine, and for oil, and for the young
of the flock and of the herd: and
their soul shall be as a watered
garden; and they shall not sorrow
any more at all.
"Then shall the virgin rejoice in
the dance, both young men and old
together: for
will turn their
mourning into joy, and will com–
fort them, and make them rejoice
from their sorrow. And 1 will sati–
ate the soul of the priests with