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of God
We continue, with this thirteenth installment, the serial publication of
Herbert W. Armstrong's last book,
Mystery of the Ages.
od predicts vast re–
forms everywhere in
the wonderful utopian
era he says will soon break
out on this earth.
Can you imagine it? A world
of great strides in solving the
most crucial problems facing
The Populatlon Explosion Solved
Today- the greatest and most awe–
some problem of all is the popula–
tion explosion. Growing popula–
tions in all nations are rapidly out–
stripping the ability of the world to
sustain them.
And the areas of the greatest rise
in population are' the underdevel–
oped parts of the world-the
"have-not" nations of poverty, illit–
eracy, disease and superstition. Re–
member, not more than 10 percent
of the earth's surface is tillable, or
arable, land. And now the latest
UN figures indicate the world will
double in population in about 34
short years.
The daily, ominous
people is one of the truly incom–
prehensible problems today._
But God has the solution, and
how simple it is. Simply make most
of the earth cultivatable. Reduce
the bare, snow-swept and craggy
mountains, raise up sorne of the
deep, arid desert valleys, change
the world weather patterns. Make
all the deserts green and fertile.
Open up huge slices of the earth,
like the Kalahari Desert, the Lake
Chad basin and the Sabara in
Africa, the Gobi Desert in Asia,
and the great American deserts.
Make green and verdant the vast
wastes of Morigolia, Siberia, Saudi
Arabia and much of the Western
United States.
Thaw out the deep ice packs and
snowdrifts, the permafrost and tun–
dra from the vast, almost limitless
expanses of Antarctica, North
America, Greenland, Northern Eu–
rope and Siberia. Make level the
awesome Pamir Knot, the huge gi–
ants of the Himalayas, the Atlas,
Taurus, Pyrenees, Rockies, Sierras
and Hindu Kush-level the im–
mense sweep of the Andes, and all
the other forbidding, towering, vir–
tually uninhabitable mountains of
Then, provide good, gentle rain–
fall, in right balance, just at the
right season.
And what happens?
Multiple millions of acres of un–
believably fertile, productive, won–
derful farmland suddenly become
available-just waiting to be dis–
covered, and pioneered.
In the hands of man--certainly.
But look what God promises.
"Fear not, t hou worm Jacob, and
ye men of Israel; I will help thee,
saith the Lord, and thy redeemer,
the Holy One of Israel.
" Behold, I will make thee a new
sharp threshing instrument having
teeth: thou shalt thresh the moun–
tains, and beat them small, and
shalt make the bilis as chaff. Thou
shalt fan them, and the wind shall
carry them away, and the whirl–
wind shall scatter them: and thou
shalt rejoice in the Lord, and shalt
glory in the Holy One of Israel.
"When the poor and needy seek
water, and there is none, and their
tongue faileth for thirst, 1 the Lord
will hear them, 1 the God of Israel
forsake them. 1 will open
rivers in high places, and fountains
[artesian wells] in the midst of the
valleys: I will make the wilderness
a pool of water, and the dry land
springs of water.
" I will plant in the wilderness
the cedar, the shittah [acacia] tree,
and the myrtle, and the oil tree; I
will set in the desert the fir tree,
and the pine, and the box tree [cy–
press] together: that they may see,
and know, and consider, and under–
stand together, that the hand of the
Lord hath done this, and the Holy
One of Israel hath created it" (Isa.
Pure Water-Fertlle Deserta
Can you imagine such a fabulous