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Scientists are perplexed. Educators are at
a loss to explain it. Theologians fumble for
answer. Just why does sex exist?
Clayton Steep
difference!" someone once said.
-And starting from early childhood we all begin
to notice there is indeed a difference.
We become increasingly aware of it as we
grow up. Not only is sex a factor in human
relationships, but animals, birds, fish, insects, even
plants utilize it.
In the last few decades, though, especially in the
Western world, simple awareness of sex and
natural interest in it has given way to
overwhelming preoccupation.
Today's society is saturated with sex. It's in
the movies and music. It's accentuated in
clothing styles and fashions. It is used to
advertise everything from automobiles to zippers.
It screams out from newsstands and magazine
racks. Bold references to it are emblazoned on
T-shirts and bumper stickers. It is blatantly
vulgarized by graffiti in public places.
In case you ever do manage to move the
subject of sex to the back of your mind, you
have only to open an ordinary newspaper, or
glance at a billboard, or overhear an average
conversation. Before you know it, your attention
is once again dragged back to the subject of sex.
Yes, everyone is aware of sex. But few have
any idea why sex exists.
Science Doesn't Know
Evolutionary scientists have no adequate explanation
for the existence of sex. According to the theory of
evolution, the first minute life forms reproduced
nonsexually. Sex was not involved. They just
divided, producing identical copies of themselves.
was, comparatively speaking, as simple as that .
Somehow along the way, though, things got