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and worshiping God with all their
minds, hearts and strength- with
all having. concern for the welfare
of all others equal to concern for
self-there would be no divorce–
no broken bornes or families, no
juvenile delinquency, no crime, no
jails or prisons, no police except for
peaceful direction and supervision
as a public service for all, no wars,
no military establishments.
But, further, God has set in mo–
tion physical laws that operate in
our bodies and minds, as well as
the spiritual law. There would be
no sickness,
health, pain or suf-
of the clouds, and stand with him,
therefore, that very same day, on
the Mount of Olives (Zech. 14:4-
These changed, converted saints,
now made immortal, will tben rule
the nations- nations of mortals–
under Christ (Dan. 7:22; Rev.
2:26-27; 3:21).
Satan Removed at Last!
This most glorious event in all
earth's history-the supernatural
majestic descent to earth, in the
clouds, of the glorified all-powerful
Christ- will at long last put an end
to the subtile, deceitful,
invisible rule of Satan.
esos was boro to be a
king-he is going to
rule all nations
The coming of Christ
in supreme glory as King
of kings and Lord of lords
is recorded in Revelation
19. But what other great
event will have to take
place befare there can be
peace, HAPPINESS and
on the earth? SATAN
tbe Devil will have to be
-bis kingdom shall rule
removed from the throne
of the earth.
fering. There would be, on the con–
trary, vigorous, vibrant good
health, filled with dynamic interest
in life, enthusiastic interest in con–
structive activities bringing happi–
ness and joy. There would be
cleanliness, vigorous activity, real
progress, no slums, no degenerate
backward races or areas of earth.
Resurrected Saints
As the resurrected Christ ascended
to heaven in clouds, so he shall
return to earth in clouds (Acts 1:9-
11; Matt. 24:30). Just
he is
Thess. 4:14-17), the
dead in Christ- those who have
received and been led by God's
Holy Spirit (Rom. 8:11, 14)-will
rise in a gigantic resurrection,
made immortal-including all the
prophets of old (Luke 13:28).
Those who have the Spirit of God,
then living, shall be instanta–
neously changed from mortal to
immortal (1 Cor. 15:50-54) and,
together with those resurrected,
shall rise to meet the descending
glorified Jesus Christ
4: 17) in the clouds in tbe air.
Tbey sball be with him, where
he is, forever (John 14:3). They
shall- with bim--come down out
September 1986
But in Revelation 20:1-3, the ad–
vance news is recorded: "And 1 saw
an angel come down from heaven,
having the key of the bottomless
pit and a great chain in his hand.
And he laid hold on ... that old
serpent, which is the Devil, and
Satán, and bound him a thousand
years, and cast him into the bot–
tomless pit, and shut him up, and
set a seal upon him, that he should
deceive the nations no more, till
the ihousand years should be ful–
filled: and after that he must be
loosed a little season."
The day of man, swayed, de–
ceived, misled by Satan for 6,000
years, will be over.
No longer will Satan be able to
broadcast through the air into the
spirit in man. No longer shall he be
able to inject into unsuspecting hu–
mans bis satanic nature-which we
have been misled into calling "hu–
man nature."
Human Nature Not to Disappear
at Once
But that does not mean that the
acquired satanic attitude will disap–
pear from human minds immedi–
ately. The multiplied millions shall
have acquired it. And even though
Satan will then be restrained from
continuing to broadcast it, what
has been acquired as habit will not
be automatically removed .
Yet God has made us humans
free moral agents. He has given us
control over our own minds, except
as we may be blinded by Satan's
pull of evil by deception.
But no longer will earth's mortal
humans be deceived! Now the all–
powerful Christ, and the immortal
saiots ruling under him, will begin
removing the scales that have
blinded human minds.
That is why
say complete
utopía cannot be ushered in all at
once. Multiple millions will still
hold to the attitude of rebellion–
of vanity, lust and greed. But with
Christ's coming shall begin the
process of reeducation-of opening
deceived minds- of undeceiving
minds, and bringing them to a vol–
untary repentance.
From the time of Christ's super–
natural takeover, and Satan's ban–
ishment, God's law and the word of
the Eternal shall go forth from
Zion, spreading over the whole
earth {lsa. 2:3).
The 6,000-year
placed on Adam's world, of being
cut off from God, will be ended.
Christ will begin calling all mortals
on earth to repentance and spiritual
salvation! God's Holy Spirit shall
flow out from Jerusalem (Zech.
What glory! A new day shall
have dawned. Peace shall soon
come. Men shall turn from the way
of "get" to the way of "give"–
God's way of love.
shall now
grip the earth!
But what kind of a new world
tomorrow will from then be devel–
oped? In lsaiah 2:2-4 and in Micah
4:1-3 it says: "And it shall cometo
pass in the last days, that the
mountain of the Lord's house shall
be established in the top of the
mountains, and shall be exalted
above the hills; and all nations sha.ll
flow unto it. And many people
shall go and say, Come ye, and let
us go up to the mountain of the
Lord, to the house of the God of
Jacob; and he will teach us of bis
ways, and we will walk in his paths:
for out of Zion shall go forth the
law, and the word of the Lord