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"times of restitution of all things"
(Acts 3:19-21).
restoring to a former state or con–
dition. In this case, the restoring of
God's government on earth, and
thus, the restoring of world peace,
and utopian conditions.
Present world turmoil, escalating
wars and contentions will clímax in
world trouble so great th;1t, unless
God intervenes, no human flesh
would be saved alive (Matt. 24:22).
At its very clímax when delay
would result in blasting all life
from off this planet, Jesus Christ
will return. This time he is coming
as divine God. He is coming in all
the power and glory of the uni–
verse-ruling Creator (Matt. 24:30;
25:31 ). He is coming as "King of
kings, and Lord of lords" (Rev.
19:16), to establish world super–
government and rule all nations
"with a rod of iron" (Rev. 19:15;
12:5) . Why do the professing
Christian churches omit all these
scriptures about Christ coming and
of bis ruling the earth? Jesus' very
gospel was that of the kingdom of
God he shall then establish on
earth. The millions of church
members have never heard these
scriptures or the actual gospel of
Jesus Christ.
Think of it. The glorified
Christ--coming in all the splendor,
the supernatural power and the
glory of God Almighty--coming to
save mankind alive--coming to
stop escalating wars, nuclear mass
destruction, human pain and suf–
fering--coming to usher in peace,
abundant well-being, happiness and
joy for all mankind. But will he be
welcomed by the nations?
World-famous scientists now say
frankly that the
hope for sur–
vival on earth is a supreme world–
ruling government, controlling all
military power. They admit that is
impossible for man to accomplish.
Christ is coming to give us just
that .
But will he
A leading American newsweekly
gave the following surprising ap–
praisal of man's
only hope:
once optimistic hope of Americans,
the article said, for a well-ordered
and stable world, is fading. Expen–
ditures close to a trillion dollars
have failed to provide stability.
Rather conditions have worsened.
This appraisal indicated that
among officials, the prevailing view
is gaining acceptance that tensions
and world problems are becoming
too deep-seated to be solved "ex–
cept by a strong hand from sorne–
" A strong hand from some–
place." God Almighty is going to
send a very strong Hand from
"someplace" to save humanity!
Chrlst Unwelcome?
But will humanity shout with joy,
and welcome him in frenzied ec–
stasy and enthusiasm? Will even
the churches of traditional Chris–
They will not! They will believe,
because the false ministers of Satan
(11 Cor. 11 :13-15) have deceived
them, that he is the Antichrist. The
churches and the nations will be
angry at bis coming (Rev. 11 :15
with 11: 18), and the military forces
will actually attempt to . fight him
to destroy him (Rev. 17:14)!
The nations will be engaged in
the climactic battle of the coming
World War Ill, with the battle–
front at Jerusalem (Zech. 14:1-2)
and then Christ will return. In su–
pernatural power he will "fight
against those nations" that fight
against him (verse 3) . He will to–
tally defeat them (Rev. 17:14)!
" His feet shall stand in that day
upon the mount of Olives," a very
sho rt distance to the east of
Jerusalem (Zech. 14:4).
How Natlona Wlll Submlt
When the glorified all-powerful
Christ first comes again to earth,
the nations will be angry. The mil–
itary forces gathered at Jerusalem
will try to fight him! I said "try."
But far more powerful armies fol–
low Christ from heaven-all the
holy angels (Rev. 19:14, identified
in Matt. 25:31).
Want to see a description of that
battle-and what will happen to
those hostile human armies?
In Revelation 17, the armies of
the now-rising United States of
Europe-the resurrected Roman
Empire-are referred to in verse
14: ' 'These shall make war with the
Lamb [Christ], and the Lamb shall
overcome them: for he is Lord of
lords, and King of kings...."
But how will he overcome them?
We find that in the 14th chapter of
"And this shall be the plague
wherewith the Lord will smite all
the people [armies] that have
fought against Jerusalem; their
flesh shall consume away while
they stand upon their feet, and
their eyes shall consume away in
their boles, and their tongue shall
consume away in their mouth"
(Zech. 14:12).
Perhaps it is even plainer in the
Revised Standard Version:
" And
this shall be the plague with which
the Lord will smite all the peoples
that wage war against Jerusalem:
their flesh shall rot while they are
still on their feet, their eyes shall
rot in their sockets, and their
tongues shall rot in their mouths."
This rotting of their flesh off
their bones will happen almost in–
stantaneously- whi/e
they are sti/1
on their feet .
What a divine retribution
against armies that will fight
against Christ. What a demonstra–
tion of the divine power with which
the glorified Christ will rule all
nations. Rebellion against God's
law and God's rule must, and
speedily will be, put down.
Can you realize that every un–
happiness, every evil that has come
to humanity, has been the result of
transgressing God's law?
no one ever had any other god
before the true God; if all children
were reared to honor, respect and
obey their parents, and all parents
reared their children in God ' s
ways; if no one ever allowed the
spirit of murder to enter bis heart,
if there were no wars, no killing of
humans by humans;
all mar–
riages were kept happy and there
were no transgressions of chastity
before or after marriage; if all had
so much concern for the good and
welfare of others that no one would
steal-and we could throw away all
locks, keys and safes; if everyone
told the truth- everyone's word
were good-everyone were honest;
if no one ever coveted what was not
rightfully bis, but had so much
outgoing concern for the welfare of
others that he really believed it is
more blessed to
than to re–
ceive-what a happy world we
would have!
In such a world, with all loving