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frotn Jerusalem. And he shall
judge among the nations, and shal l
rebuke many people: and they shal l
beat their swords into plowshares,
and their spears into pruninghooks:
nation shall not lift up sword
against nation, neither shall they
learn war any more."
Think of it! No more wars. No
fear of roan or beast. World peace
at last. Something will have to
cause that peace. The law of God,
which a professed "Christianity"
teaches was done away, shall go out
from Jerusalem and the earth will
be as full of the knowledge of
(Continuedfrompage 19)
George VI and Elizabeth. They
contradicted in Edward VIII, who,
it has been often assumed, gave up
al l for love. Sorne observers believe
the King was infatuated rather
than truly romantically in !ove with
Mrs. Simpson.
Edward VIII could not remain
King. But this much must be said
for the late Duke of Windsor. Once
he really saw what the choices
were, he chose to abdicate. He did
not plunge the country into a con–
stitutional crisis by trying to stay
on as King, as well as marrying
Mrs. Simpson.
Make no mistake about it. Ed–
ward still had quite a large follow–
ing in the country. Sorne voices
were urging him to fight on. He
chose to give up bis vocation, a
decision he may have regretted the
remainder of his life.
God's way of life as the ocean beds
are full of water.
Even the wild animals will be
tamed and at peace: "The wolf also
shall dwell with the lamb, and the
leopard shall lie down with the kid;
and the calf and the young lion and
the fatling together; and a little
child shall lead them. And the cow
and the bear shall feed; their young
ones shall lie down together: and
the lion shall eat straw like the ox.
And the sucking child shall play on
the hole of the asp, and the weaned
child shall put bis hand on the
cockatrice' den. They shall not hurt
It was not easy for the new King
either. The Abdication had a trau–
matic effect. Humanly the office
was foreign to bis nature. But
George VI proved equal to the oc–
casion and performed bis new task
with integrity and dignity. Robert
Lacey tellingly adds: "George VI
was sustained by the strength of bis
page 110). She
was a living "testimony to the
power of loyal and unquestioning
King George died in 1952. His
wife assumed a new role as the
Queen Mother. His eldest daugh–
ter became Elizabeth 11-the new
reigning Queen, who, together
with her husband Prince Philip,
has continued the integrity of her
It is now nearly 50 years since
the Abdication . The Queen
Mother continues to grow in pop–
ularity and usefulness. She works
a fu ll and busy schedule, even
nor destroy in all my holy moun–
tain: for the earth shall be full of
the knowledge of the Lord, as the
waters cover the sea" (Isa. 11:6-9).
Now picture the changed condi–
Look now at the solved prob–
See, now, a glimpse into a world
of no illiteracy, no poverty, no
famine and starvation, into a world
where crime decreases rapidly,
people learn honesty, chastity, hu–
man kindness and happiness- a
world of peace, prosperity, abun–
dant well-being.
now in her mid-80s. As Prince
Charles expressed it: "Ever since
1 can remember, my grandmother
has been a most wonderful exam–
ple of fun, laughter, and warmth
and above all, exquisite taste in
so many things. For me she has
always been one of those extra–
ordinary, rare people whose touch
can turn everything into
gold.... She belongs to that
priceless brand of human beings
whose greatest gift is to enhance
life for others through her own
effervescent enthusiasm for life"
(The Queen Mother,
page 13) .
The Prince may be biased, but
will be agreed with by the vast
Nothing is more important to
future kings and queens than the
good examp le of parents and
grandparents. And in Walter Bage–
hot's words, the British people " be–
lieve it is natural to have a virtuous
sovereign." o
may selfishly want to get for himself.
(Continued from page 1)
money, which was their entire savings. Like many
others, they had come to distrust banks since the
crash of 1929. That missing cigar box
bank. Of course, the brother hadn' t stolen it; he'd
just accidentally given it to me.
You can imagine how happy the accused
brother was to see me with that box. He set me
on the counter, called over all the customers to
tell them what happened . He gave me a hundred
dollar bill, and told me to bring in my friends
anytime for free ice cream for the rest of my
No $12,000 gift would have been worth more
than what my father taught me that day. What
seems right is not always right. Good judgment
is based upon the law of God, not on what one
The way of God is not the way of
It is a
way not natural to man-the way of
Christ lived that way of give during His human
lifetime on the earth.
is the way that produces
happiness, peace and joy.
is the way of life that
God has revealed to mankind in bis Word, the
Holy Bible. And it is the way that will be restored
to the earth when Jesus Christ returns to establish
the kingdom of God.
The Plain Truth
committed to proclaiming that way of life, and that
coming kingdom.