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Dibar K. Apartian
the spring of
1955. Until that time 1
had never heard of
Herbert W. Armstrong.
Nor had I heard of Ambas–
sador College.
Jus t one day before our first
meeting, Herbert Armstrong's
son Richard David had asked
the California Teachers Associ–
ation , in Los Angeles, to look
for a French teacher for a n
eventual opening at Ambassador
College in Pasadena. The re–
quirements were rather simple:
The appl icant s hould be an ex–
perienced teacher with a Eu–
ropean background.
Mr. Armstrong received me in
his office with a friendly smile and
a warm handshake. After a brief
interview, he suddenly asked me
with a deep, powerful voice, ..Do
you know why you were born?"
No, 1 didn't. However, at that
moment, tbe purpose of life was
the last thing on my mind. 1 hadn't
come here to learn this, but to
apply for a teaching position. I
waited, hoping he would forget his
question and pursue with tbe inter–
view. lnstead, he spent more tban
an hour expounding the question!
didn ' t know then Mr. Arm–
strong's great commission, nor did
1 ever dream that his question
would eventually change my life
and start a close relationship with
him that !asted until the time of his
death 30 years later.
went home that evening,
wondered why he had taken so
much pain to explain to me-a
st ranger- why God created man,
what was his purpose, and the ulti–
mate goal for all mankind. Despite
Mr. Armstrong's clear explana–
tions, 1 was unable to grasp much
of what he had said. Nevertheless l
was totally impressed by his con–
victions and his knowledge. He
spoke as one having authority.
A few months later,
in the fall of 1955, I
visiting him and Mrs. Loma Arm–
strong at their home, he told us:
..Tbe Bible is the inspired written
Word of God. Jesus Cbrist is the
spoken Word of God. Wby don't
people know it ? Why don't they
believe it? Well,
will tell you
why: Because the whole world has
been deceived by Satan!"
His statement left me all the
more perplexed. 1 had never heard
such things before. Satan deceiving
the whole world?
had always
laughed at the mere idea of Satan's
His elder son and I became very
good friends. In those days we
were both bachelors and Dick
would often invite me to his par-
ents' home, especially
on Saturday evenings.
was hired as the
French instructor at
Ambassador College.
The college was very
small, and al! of us–
faculty members and
students a like-had
the opportunity to
spend many hours talk–
ing with Mr. Arm–
taught us to
whatever we
the spirit of
On one occasion Mr.
Armstrong told us,
ou two will someday
have to work together
to take tbe gospel to
the French-speaking
countries. The French
are also descendants of
the lsraelites. They,
too, must hear the true
gospel of Je s u s
One evening, as his
older son Dick- he
liked to be called that
for short-and 1 were
He encouraged
os to strive
for peñection.
The French peo–
ple-lsraelites? What
was he talking about?