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1 didn't know
Mr. Armstrong's
great commission,
nor did 1
ever dream tbat
bis question
would eventuaUy
cbange my
life and start
a close relationship
with him
that lasted until
the time
of his death-30
years later!
Many of my friends in France were
not Jews! And what did he mean
by the
gospel of Jesus Christ?
all seemed so mysterious!
As time went on 1 became more
and more aware of how illiterate 1
was-biblically speaking. Chris–
tianity, to me, meant going occa–
sionally to church and believing
what my parents and grandparents
had believed. But here was a man
who showed me-in the Bible–
that 1 was totally wrong, and that
the whole world was deceived.
What could anyone do? How could
anyone argue with God's written
My life began to change. Sorne
of my old friends deserted me but
1 made new ones at Ambassador
College- true friends, who be–
lieved that it was more blessed to
give than to receive- the "give"
way as opposed to the "get" way,
as Mr. Armstrong himself taught
to the day of his death.
"People see Ambassador College
and all these buildings-and they
tell me that 1 have done great
things," he wouid often say. "They
don't realize it's al! God's doing.
But 1 had to work as hard as
though I had done them!"
Today, when I examine my life,
1 can say that everything worth–
while 1 have learned, everything 1
own, all the joy 1 have experienced
since becoming a part of the
team-God's little flock- I owe, in
a sense, to Herbert W. Armstrong.
Yet it all carne, of course, from
God, but it carne through Mr.
1 am deeply grateful to him,
deeply appreciative of his patience,
concern and !ove. He assisted at
my baptism, in April 1957, laying
hands on me with a few other min–
isters so that
might re–
ceive God's Ho1y Spirit.
He officiated at my
wedding two years later.
He ordained me into the
ministry of Jesus Christ
in 1962. And as years
went by, God granted
me the opportunity to
spend much time with
him. I was privileged to
travel with him on vari–
ous occasions and to
learn more and more the
true way of Christian
living, and to become
the mainspring of the
French-1anguage work
of the living God.
Mr. Armstrong
taught us to excel in
whatever we did-with–
out the spirit of compe–
'tition. He encouraged us
to strive for perfection.
"God is the Author of
beauty and perfection,"
he often told us. "When
our ways are pleasing to
God, he will always
b1ess us!"
The very last prívate
meeting 1 had with Mr.
Armstrong was in Sep–
tember 1985. He had
wan ted to see me
alone-"to discuss sorne
important matters." He
looked rired but was very much
alert. Leisure1y he reminisced how
God had called him to proclaim to
the whole world-at this end
time-the good news of the soon–
coming of Jesus Christ and of the
establishment of God's kingdom on
"1 won't be much 1onger with
you all," he said meditatively.
"You men will have to carry on
without me. God is on his throne.
Jesus Christ is the living Head of
the Church!"
Back in 1955, I didn't know why
Mr. Armstrong had asked me if 1
knew why 1 was born. But 1 am
thankful he did!
changed my
whole life. Today, 1 know and un–
derstand it-and with God's help, 1
want to do my part so that all men,
everywhere, may one day also learn
why they were born!