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and restored us to the land of l s–
rael - after Israel and Judah are
rcun it ed. Certa in ly the '"' la ttc r
years" (verse 8) .
The place of this battle is not
Britain or Ame rica- it is the Holy
Land. " ... thou shalt come into the
land that is brought back from the
sword, and is gathered out of many
people, against the mountains of
Is rael, whic h have been a lways
waste [or " on c e a perpetua !
was te"-Mo ffa t t tra nslati on) "
(verse 8) . The " mountains of Is–
rael" is an ex pression used a ll
th rough the book of Ezekiel, and
refers to the literal mountainous
land of ancient Is rael.
Our people shall have regained
so much wealth that Gog and allies
shall cometo " take a spoil" (verse
13) , "to carry away silver and gold ,
to take away ca ttle and goods, to
take a great spoil. "
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sion will not come until
Second Coming of Christ-wi ll
seem preposterous to -many, at firs t
That is bccause we have been
accus tomcd me r e ly to ass ume
things that are not t rue. We have
blindly assumed that when Christ
comes, there will be no opposit ion.
Every person and power on ear th,
we have thought , will simply sub–
mil meekly and ins tantly to him
and bis power. But that is not true!
So rne gentile nations unde r–
standa bly shall not submit un t il
fo rced to. T he final restorat ion of
the Roman Empire shall be sub–
dued and conquered at a battle
commonly called "Armageddon."
Bu t the populous nation s o f
Eurasia that the Almighty God up
to this point has not dealt with
shall st ill have to be brought to
" Gog" ldentified
"Gog" in the land of " Magog" is the
vas t regions of the U.S.S .R . in
northern Eurasia extending from
the Baltic to the Pacific. "Meshech"
is Moscow, "Tubal" is Tobol' sk.
Notice the allies who come with
them in this future battle. You will
find "Gomer," "Togarmah," "Ma–
gog," "Meshech," "Tuba!" ident i–
fied in Genesis
as the sons of
Japheth, father of the Eurasians.
Ethiopia and Phut (mistranslated
Libya) are descended from H am.
Therefore, this prophecy of
Ezekiel 38 shows who shall finally
succeed in marshaling peoples of
each major race into a gigantic in–
vasion upon our people.
When God begins to rule the
world , through Christ- wi th his
chosen people restored to prosper–
ity in the land of Israel, the very
center of the land surface of the
earth (verse 12, Moffatt transla–
tion)-this great Eurasian union of
nations shall finally be tempted to
use their mighty ai r force. "Thou
shalt ascend ," the Eternal says,
" and come like a storm [in the air] ,
thou shalt be like a cloud to cover
the land ..." (verse 9) . There shall
be so many planes then that they
will hide the sun from the ground
below, like a huge dark shadow!
The End of World Conquest
The House of Israel--ou r peo-
ples-shall not be armed or pre–
par ed . " ... In that day when my
people of Israel dwelleth safely,
shalt thou not know it?" asks the
Eterna!. " And thou shalt come
from thy place ou t of the north
parts [due nor th of the Jand of
ancient Is rael], thou, and many
peo pl e [a ll ies] with t hee . .. a
mighty army: and thou shalt come
up against my people of Is rael, as
a cloud to cover the land ; it shall be
in the latter days, and 1 will bring
thee agains t my land, that the hea–
then may know me [note the pur–
pose], when
shall be sanctified in
thee, O Gog, before their eyes"
(verses 14-16).
Bu t our people shall not have to
fight in that battle. We shall have
learned by then that God fights our
battles for us!
" And it shall cometo pass at the
same time when Gog shall come
against the land of Israel , saith the
Lord God, that my fury shall come
up in my face" (verse
"So that
... aJI the men that are upon the
face of the earth, shall shake at my
presence . . ." (verse 20). lt is after
Christ 's coming!
" 1
will summon an utter panic
against him [Gog], says the Lord
the Eterna!, till every man in his
· host shall draw the sword against
his fellow;
wi ll punish him with
pesti lence and bloodshed,
rain on him and his bordes and all
the nations in his train an overpow–
ering flood , with hail-stones, fire,
and brimstone.
will Jet all the
nations see my might and dread
divinity- to teach them that
the Eterna!" (verses 21-23 , Mof–
Notice, these nations do not see
and recognize the dread divinity,
the might and power of the Eterna!
Christ, even after he has returned.
He has to teach them that
The 39th chapter shows in
more detail the result of this
great battle, in which Christ , with
supernatural power, causes five
sixths of these armies to be slain.
Notice, again, the time: " .. .
Now will 1 bring again the captiv–
ity of J acob, and have merey upon
the whole house of Israel [Israel
and Judah], and wi ll be jealous for
my holy name.... When 1 have
(Continued on page 26)