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lonish teachings that have
been palmed off to our peo–
ple cloaked as "Christian–
ity." He will then set bis
hand again the second time
to recover the remnant of
bi s people Israel (Isa.
11: 11 ). The spiritual blind–
ness shall then be removed,
and all Israel shall be saved!
(See Romans 11 :25-26.)
The kingdom of God shall
be established. Men shall
be tired of their own ways,
and seek God's ways- and
his law shall go forth of
Zion (Míe. 4:2-3). And
The Geneva bandsbake that broke
the ice between the superpowers.
the nations shall find PEACE!
In the 36th chapter of Ezekiel, the
Eterna! addresses the House of Is–
rael: "Prophesy unto the mountains
of Is rael ... Thus saith the Lord
God to the mountains, and to the
hills, to the rivers, and to the valleys,
to the desolate wastes, and to the
cities that are forsaken.... But ye,
O mountains of Israel, ye shall shoot
forth your branches, and yield your
fruit to my people of Israel; for they
are at hand to come.... And I will
multiply meo upon you, all the house
of Israel, even all of it: and the cities
shall be inhabited, and the wastes
shall be bui lded: and I will multiply
u pon you man and beast ... "
May 1986
(verses 1, 4, 8, 10-11).
Yes, the House of Israel
is pictured returning to its
original land,
from a
condition of wealth and
prosperity from Britain
and America- not in the
position of a people victori–
ous in a great world war–
but as a slave and captive
people, scattered through
the nations of the world .
All prophecies picturing
this rescueand regathering
oflsrael at Christ's coming
give us the same
prophetic picture. Why
be blinded to the truth?
8oth Houses of Israel
In chapter 37, the first
part pictures the "val–
ley of dry bones." This
represents (verse 11)
the whole House of Is–
rael- including Judah.
It has a dual signifi–
pictures the
rebirth and resurrec–
tion of Israel
as a na–
from captivity,
dispersion and slavery.
pictures, too, the
literal bodily resurrec–
tion of the individual
who has long since
died, after whicb the
know l edge of the
truth-spiritual knowl–
edge-shall be re–
vealed, and he shall be
converted, and God's Spirit shall
enter within, and he shall be saved.
Beginning witb the 15th verse,
the illustration of the two sticks
shows tbe two houses, or nations,
lsrael and Judah , being once more
united, under Christ at his Second
Coming, in the land of Israel.
" ... Thus saith the Lord God; Be–
hold, I will take the children oflsrael
[from the British Isles and Amer–
ica-from a position of wealth and
affluence as recent victors in the
world war? No, but] from among
the heathen, whither they be gone,
and will gather them on every side,
and bring them into their own land:
and 1 will make them one nation in
the land upon the mountains of Is–
rael; and one king shall be king to
them all: and they shall be no more
two nations, neither shall they be
divided into two kingdoms any more
at all: neither shall tbey defile them–
selves any more witb their idols, nor
with their detestable things, nor
witb any of their transgressions....
And they shall dwell in the land that
1 have given unto Jacob my servant,
wherein your fathers have dwelt .. .
they, and their cbildren, and their
children ' s children
for ever.
.. .
Moreover I will make a covenant of
peace witb them; it shall be an
las ting covenant
"-the New
Covenant (verses 21-23 , 25-26).
At Peace in the Holy Land
Notice, now the story flow- the
time sequence: The prophet has
carried us through tbe sins of bis
people, the coming invasion and
captivity and dispersion, and the
coming of Christ as Deliverer to
restore the fortunes of Israel. We
have come to the time when both
the Houses of Israel and Judah
shall be reunited into one nation,
rescued from captivity and disper–
sion and regathered again in their
land, once again made prosperous,
having learned their lesson, now
living God's way, under his laws,
enjoying his richest blessings, both
material and spiritua1!
And now we cometo chapter 38 .
This chapter finds [srael res tored
in her land- "the land that is
brought back from the sword "
(verse 8). We find Israel now at
rest , dwelling safely, totally unpre–
pared for war-having "neither
bars nor gates" (verse 11), in the
desolate places of the land of Israel,
now inhabited (verse 12)- yes, in–
habited (same verse) by the people
who are once again restored to
great material prosperity- "which
bave gotten cattle and goods, that
dwell in the midst of the land."
Notice it!
This prophecy does not picture
the British Isles and America. It pie–
tures the Holy Land. It pictures all
12 tribes having been taken there
from a dispersion and captivity and
slavery, gathered out of the nations
where we had been scattered, now
once again beginning to prosper.
Notice it: The time of this
prophecy is after- not before, but
after- the Second Comí ng of
Christ-after the great Deliverer
has come and rescued our people