the fore in self-centeredness, lust,
greed, vanity, jealousy, envy, re–
sentment, competition, strife and
bitterness that cause violence, war,
murder, bigotry and prejudice.
That is
the nonvisible Satan
dece ives you! Yet most people
blithely go along with it, blaming
human nature and supposing it was
God who created us with an evi l
nature. These biases travel both di–
rections- from majority to minor–
ity g roups and vice versa.
How Rac ism Can Be Eliminated
The world
have peace if peo–
ple were willing to tune out Satan's
wavelength of vanity, greed, jeal–
ousy- in short, the
way of life.
[f men in power cast out of their
hearts desires of personal advan–
tage, money, power-and greed, as
stated at the U.N. seminar m
Nai robi- we could have peace.
Sadly, little consideration is
given to other people's and nations'
viewpoints. What leaders are look–
ing to God , his revealed word and
his spiritual laws for guidance in
finding the solution?
As we have written in the pages
of this magazine before: "The way
to peace is having concern for your
fellowman. The way to peace is
love. The way to peace is coopera–
tion and helping one another and
having a loving concern for the
good of other people."
Oh, you may hear an occasional
" Love thy neighbor," but you don' t
hear how to put that into prac–
tice- how man should love his
he should live at
peace with his neighbor or what
one should actually
for one's
neighbors. How many employers
pay fair wages without discr imina–
God says: " Execute true justice,
show merey and compassion every–
one to his brother. Do not oppress
the widow or the fatherless, the
or the poor. Let none of you
plan evil in his heart against his
brother " (Zech. 7:9-1
R evised
Authorized Version).
The Bible commands works of
physical service such as feeding the
hungry, clothing those who lack
clothing, giving drink to the thirsty
(Matt. 25:35-36). Everyone has
physical needs. And physically we
our " brother's keepers. "
Jesus said: " Love your enemies
. . . do good to those that bate
you." Seldom do we take a posi–
tive look at that statement. ln–
stead of merely thinking " Don't
kill," tbink "How can
help my
enemy, my neighbor?"-that is,
how can
help him or her to live
a truly full, abundant and mean–
ingful life?
Love and concern from one per–
son to another are embodied in the
Ten Commandments, a complete
spiritual law that defines the way
to peaceful , crime-free communi–
ties. No stealing, no lying, no mur–
der or bate, no adultery or premar–
ital sex or homosexuality, no
covetousness, but honoring one's
Love and concern from
one person to another are
embodied in the Ten
Commandments, a
complete spiritual law that
defines the wa
peaceful, crime-free
parents, doing good to one's neigh–
Obedience to God's law causes
peace, happiness and joy. God
wants al l groups, all races to turn
from breaking his law, to turn from
the ways of hate and bi tterness for
others-whether you're a part of
the majori ty or the minority.
All men and women- black,
white or yellow and every shade in
between-are created in the image
of God witb the potential for devel–
oping the very character of God
(Gen. 1:26-27). God " made from
one blood [Adam] every nation of
men to dwell on all the face of the
earth ..." (Acts 17:26, RAV).
Humans were put here to learn
to loving1y, sincerely and intelli–
gently serve their fellowman, and
to serve and worship the true God.
Living that way gives the only real
sense of fulfillment and joy in this
Hearts of Compassion
We are living in the clímax of this
world's evi ls, al the "time of the
end" of this chaotic man-ordered
T here is coming a new tomor–
row- a divine government that will
be based on and enforce the Ten
Commandments- the true way of
!ove, of giving and serving one's
fellowman, and of worshiping and
exalting the living God who gave
these commandments for our eter–
na! good.
The world ruler of that govern–
ment- Jesus Christ-will come to
change human nature. Satan will
be banished , no longer free to
broadcast his moods and attitudes
into human minds.
God will replace today's s tone–
hearted, Satan-inspired altitudes of
apathy, cynicism and condemna–
tion with hearts of compassion and
outflowing love (Ezek. 11 :19). J e–
sus will show compassion on all
those who have suffered as victims
of political, racial and religious
Jesus Chris t will spearhead the
vas t project of re1ocating the races
and nations within God's predeter–
mined bounda ries (Deut. 32:8;
Acts 17:26) so al l peoples will be
happy and experience the ric hest
blessings. People wiLI live peace–
fu lly in their own inheritances- no
more having to migrate elsewhere
to eke out a living.
" Would that they were wise,
that they understood this, that they
would discern their fufu re!" (Deut.
New American Standard
Version) .
In that new world Africans, His–
panics, Asians, Europeans, Arabs
and Jews, Russians and Chinese,
Tamils and Sinhalese will respect ,
appreciate and admi re the many
differences and talents in the hu–
man family as God intended. Na–
tion will learn not to look down on
others. And respect for others will
lead to world peace and prosperity.
Then, as all peoples care for each
from the heart,
jealousy and
greed, prejudice and racism will
become a thing of an awful
past! o