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(Continued from page
God alone possesses inherent im–
mortal ity. God
life- life inhe r–
ent- life eterna!. God alone has
life to impart. We can have it only
as his gi ft.
No lmmortal Souls
The Scriptures do not teach that
the soul that sins shall go on living
forever- but "the soul that sin–
neth, it shall die" (Ezek. 18:4).
And all have sinned. Millions of
people today have learned to hate
other people. People learn to hate,
in time of war. Do they have eter–
na! life inherent-do they have an
immortal soul - is any eterna! life
inherent in them? Listen : "Whoso–
ever hateth his brother is a mur–
dere r: a nd ye know that no mur–
derer hath eterna) life abiding in
him" ( 1 J ohn 3: 15) .
God's Word says plainly such a
person does not have an immortal
sou l. To our first parent, God said:
"Dus t thou art, and unto dust shalt
thou return." He didn' t say "your
body that you live in" - he said
"Dus t thou art." Your Bible says
man is mortal, but nowhere does it
say he is immortal. Man is mortal
flesh, subject to corruption-death.
All have sinned, and the penalty is
death for all eternity- eternal
But in John 4:24 it is written,
"God is a Spirit." And again, "For
as the Father hath Iife in himself;
so hath he given to the Son to have
life in himselr' (John 5:26). Notice
John 5:11 -12: "And this is
the record, that God bath given to
us eterna! life, and this life is in his
Son. He that hath the Son hath
life; and he that hath not the Son
of God hath not life."
Christ J esus is a living Savior!
H e died to pay the deatb penalty
for you- that your past gui lt might
be erased . God raised him from the
dead, to make a resurrection to
eterna! life possible for you. J esus
said , " 1 am the resurrection, and
the life" (John 11 :25, AV).
Paul wrote,
Corintbians 15:20:
" But now is Christ risen from the
dead , and become tbe firstfruits of
them that slept."
But his resurrection made possi–
ble not only
personal salvation
Aprll 1986
and mine, but the resurrection of
this dying world. For Christ was
raised from t be dead, to ascend to
the throne of God the Father in
heaven-to be g lor ified- to receive
for himself the kingdoms of this
world. And he promised that if he
went, he would come again-com–
ing this time as King of kings, and
Lord of lords, to rule the world with
the supernatural power of God-to
bring us the happy world tomorrow!
Jesus' gospel was the good news of
the kingdom of God- the reign of
God-world rule!
Why the Gospel of the Kingdom?
The conditions to entering that glo–
rious and glorified kingdom are
these: "Repent" - repent of your
ways, your thoughts, the ways of
this world-the ways that have
seemed right to a man, but are
contrary to God's perfect and holy
law; and " believe." Yes, believe the
gospel-believe on Christ as per–
sonal Savior. The inspired Peter
pointed the way: " Repent , and be
baptized," be said, ". . . and ye
shall receive the gift of the Holy
[Spirit]." That's the way to salva–
tion-tbe way into eterna) inher i–
tance in tbe kingdom of God.
At the resurrection of the just–
at Christ's coming- it is pro–
claimed: "The kingdoms [the gov–
ernments] of this world are become
the kingdoms of our Lord, and of
his Christ; and he shall reign for
ever and ever" (Rev.
15) .
we repent, believe, and are
begotten of God now, if we over–
come, and grow in grace and
knowledge, we shall sit with Christ
on his throne- we sha ll be given
power over the nations to rule them
wi th a rod of iron, as kings and
priests under Christ the King of
And now one gl impse into the
resurrected world- the glorious,
happy world tomorrow- lying at
peace, at last: "And [the Lord]
shall judge among many people,
and rebuke strong nations afar off;
and they shall beat their swords
into plowshares, and their spears
into pruninghooks: nation shall not
lift up a sword against nation,
neither shall they learn war any
more" (Micah 4:3).
God speed that happy day! Let
us pray, "Thy kingdom come." o
(Continued from page
opened (Gen. 3:7). Tbe spirit and
atti tude of hostility and rebellion
e ntered their minds. Their minds
now had become influ–
enced by selfishness instead of self–
That selfishness in them carne
from Satan, not from God! Tbey
were not created with this selfish–
ness that we call human nature.
Satan was sti ll around almost
2,000 years ago, when Jesus fought
the world's most t itanic spi ritual
battle and overcame Satan and his
temptations to selfishness and self–
centeredness. J esus showed it was
possible to conquer selfishness by
selflessness through the Spirit of
Satan is sti ll around today- but
not for very much longer! Satan,
the god of this world ( II Cor. 4:4),
has deceived the entire world into
accepting his atti tudes, moods and
impulses. Those attitudes come to
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