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UnderstandingWorld Events and Trends
Glass Houses
n 1984 in the United
States, 6,855 blacks were
murdered, 94 percent of
these by other blacks. And
in South Africa, from July
1983 to June 1984, sorne
9,204 nonwhites (including
Coloureds, Asians and
blacks) were murdered.
Tragically, 9,091, or 99
percent of these, were
ibya 's most ambitious
..irrigation project, when
completed. will channel 126
million gallons of water a
day from Libya's southern
desert region to
sun-parched farmlands 330
miles to the north. Termed
the Great Man-Made River,
the project is central to
Colonel Mu'ammar Oadhafi's
dream of transforming Libya
into a verdant desert
More than a decade ago,
geologists exploring Libya's
southern desert found a vast
aquifer estimated to hold an
amount ot water equal lo
the total flow of the Nile
River over 200 years. A
quarter million pieces of
pipe, each weighing 80 tons,
will carry this water lo
irrigate 460,000 square
miles along !he Gulf of Sidra
in northern Libya.
South Korea's Dong Ah
Aprll 1986
murdered by other
Americans and South
Africans would do well lo
take a long look al the
human tragedies being
perpetrated in their own
houses. Socially, politically,
racially and spiritually, both
nations need serious and
positive changes in·their
present human
relationships. •
conglomerate is constructing
the costly first phase of the
the largest
project ever undertaken by
a prívate construction firm.
The first phase of the
pipeline will extend more
than 1,770 miles, including
parallel lines and two
branches along the
The project, however,
oung women who take
the antiacne drug
Accutane while pregnant run
a high risk of delivering
deformed babies, according
lo sorne authorities.
Teenagers are the largest
could be jeopardized by the
U.S.-imposed economic
boycott on Libya . The
sanctions-imposed in
response lo alleged links lo
terrorism-could fur1her
aggravate Libya's already
serious economic woes and
force the delay or
cancellation of many of
Oadhafi 's development
schemes. •
group afflicted with acne,
and most patients taking
Accutane are less than 21
years of age. Unmarried
females under 21 are often
reluctant lo admit they are
sexually active, and even
more reluctant to disclose
pregnancy early on.
Accutane, the strongest
acne drug on the market, is
intended for use only in
cases of severe cystic acne,
not the milder type many
teens experience, and even
then only alter all other
treatment has failed.
The drug's manufacturers,
Holfmann-LaRoche, leer the
drug has been used lar
more extensively !han
Since Accutane is
intended as a last-resort
medication, they are
concerned that doctors are
too easily swayed by young
patients lo prescribe the
drug before all other. less
severe. treatments have
been tried.
Appropnate warning
labels appear on !he drug's
packaging, and doctors
have received brochures
warning of the danger lo the
Other conditions that
experimentally have been
associated with Accutane
include inflammation of the
small intestine and a serious
brain disorder that can
cause loss ol vision.
Patients may also
experience dry, chapped
skin and lips, nosebleeds or
sun sensitivity. •