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both- "Biess the lads," he said.
This blessing went upon them
.jointly. " Let my name be named
on them" was part of this bless–
ing. 'His name was IsRAEL.
Hence, it was the descendants of
lads, not the descendants of
Judah, or the Jews, who were
named ISRAEL. How clear it is
upon them jointly. These are the
collective blessings which the lads
together received-but not the
other tribes!
Jacob Crosses Hands
But at this juncture, Joseph
noticed that Jacob's right hand
was not resting upon the head of
the firstborn. He en–
deavored to remove it.
11 mankind, right now,
is caught in the
"Not so, my father,"
said Joseph, "for this is
the firstborn; put thy
right hand upon his
head. And his father
refused, and said,
know it, my son, 1know
it: he [Manasseh] also
shall become a people,
and he also shall be
great: but truly
younger brother sha/1
be greater than he,
his seed shall become a
multitude [or, COMPA·
vortex of the swiftly
accelerating crisis
marking the end of this
world's civilization.
that the name ISRAEL was to be
indelibly stamped on EPHRAJM
A shocking fact- and yet
right before your
eyes! And remember, this scrip–
ture needs no "interpretation" or
"special meaning" or "hidden
symbolism" for you to under–
stand! Here is the plain, simple
statement that Jacob' s name,
which was changed to
would become the very POSSES·
SJON and
label on
the peoples of Ephraim and
WHO, then, according to your
Bible, is the real Israel (racially
and nationally) of today?
Ephraim and Manasseh!
Ephraim and Manasseh
received the
to the
name ISRAEL.
was to become
the national name of their descen–
dants. And their descendants
were never Jews! Fix this fact
firmly in your mind!
Thus it is that many of the
prophecies about "Israel" or "Ja–
cob" do not refer to Jews or to
any of the nations that are today
the descendants of 'the other
tribes of Israel. Mark that well!
Few, indeed, are the clergymen,
theologians, or professed Bible
scholars who know that today.
to know it!
Together the descendants of
these two lads, Ephraim and
Manasseh, were to grow into the
promised multitude-the nation
and company of nations. These
national blessings are poured
NY] of nations. And he blessed
them that day, saying, In thee shall
Israel bless, saying, God make thee
as Ephraim and as Manasseh: and
he set Ephraim before Manasseh"
(Gen. 48:18-20). Here the prom–
ises are no longer collective, pos–
sessed jointly. Jacob now was
prophesying as to the blessings of
each, individually.
Promised Blesslngs to Britain and
the United States
Remember, if ancient Israel obeyed
God in the land (Sabbath breaking
and idolatry were specifically men–
tioned in Leviticus 26), they would,
in the ancient days of Moses, Josh–
ua and up to the time of their cap–
tivity about 721-718
inherited the national and material
blessings of the birthright promise
God made to Abraham. But,
remember, if they did not obey,
these promises would be denied for
a duration of 2,520 years- that is,
So it now becomes plain and
clear that after the 2,520 years,
was the
descendants of Joseph, subdivided
into two nations descended from
Ephraim and Manasseh, who were
to become the wealthiest and most
powerful nations on earth.
The United States ls Manasseh
From the prophetic blessings
passed on by the dylng Jacob, it is
apparent that Ephraim and Manas-
seh were in a large measure to
inherit the birthright jointly; to
remain together for a long time,
finally separating.
In Genesis 48 Jacob first passed
the birthright on to the two sons of
Joseph jointly, speaking of them
both together. Then, finally, he
spoke of them separately- Manas–
seh was to become the single
nation; Ephraim, the
of nations.
And in his prophecy for these
latter days Jacob said, "Joseph is a
fruitful bough, even a fruitful
bough by a well; whose
run over the wall"
(Gen. 49:22). In
other words, Joseph-Ephraim and
Manasseh jointly and together–
was to be a
people in
this latter day, their colonies
branching out from the British
Isles around the earth.
Together Ephraim and Manasseh
grew into a multitude, then sepa–
rated, according to Jacob's prophet–
ic blessing of Genesis 48. Our
people have fulfilled this prophecy.
But how can the U.S.A. be
Manasseh when a large part of the
population have come from many
nations besides England? The
answer is this: A large part of
Manasseh remained with Ephraim
until the separation of
England. But our forefathers were to
be sifted through many nations, as
corn through a sieve, yet not a grain
to fall to the earth or be lost (Amos
9:9.). The people did filter through
many nations. Ephraim and much of
Manasseh finally emigrated to En–
gland together, but many others of
Manasseh who bad filtered into and
through other nations did not leave
them until they carne, as immi–
grants, to the United States
the New England colony had
become the separate nation. This
does not mean that
who have emigrated to America are
of the stock of Manasseh, but
undoubtedly many are. Ancient
Israel, however, always did absorb
gentiles, who became Israelites
through living in lsrael's Jand.
The U.S. has become. known as
the "melting pot" of the world.
Instead of refuting a Manasseh
ancestry, this fact actually confirms
it. The proof that the U.S. is Manas–
seh is overwhelming. Manasseh was
to separate from Ephraim ahd