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become the greatest, wealthiest sin–
gle nation of earth's history. Ameri–
ca alone has fulfilled this prophecy.
Manasseh was in fact a
t ribe. There were twelve original
tribes. Joseph was one of th.ese
twelve. But when Joseph divided
into two tribes and Manasseh sepa–
rated into an independent nation, it
became a thirteenth tribe.
Could it be mere coincidence
that it started, as a nation, with
But what about the other t ribes
of the so-called Lost Ten T ribes?
While the
and its blessings have come to the
British Commonwealth of nations
and the United States of America,
yet the other eight tribes of Israel
were also God's chosen people.
They, too, have been blessed with a
good measure of material prosperi–
ty- but not the dominance of the
We lacl< space for a detailed
explanation of the specific identity
of all of these other tribes in the
nations of our twentieth century.
S uffice it to say here that there is
ample evidence that these other
eight tribes have descended into
such northwestern European na–
tions as Holland, Belgium, Den–
mark, northern France, Luxem–
bourg, Switzerland, Sweden, Nor–
way. The people of Iceland are also
of Viking stock. The political boun–
daries of Europe, as they exist
today, do not necessarily show lines
of division between descendants of
these original tribes of Israel.
Prophecy for Unlted States and
Brltain for Now
Justas God has bestowed on us such
material blessings as
never before
carne to any nations, now to correct
us so we may enjoy such blessings,
he is going to bring upon our peoples
such national disaster as has
struck any nation! Many
prophecies describe this!
An impor tant additional proof of
modern Israel's identity is found in
a fantastic, detailed and most spe–
cific prophecy found in Micah 5:7-
is speaking specifically about
the "remnant" of Israel-modern
Israel today-wherever it is.
describes the wealth, the beneficent
dominance among nations, and
then the coming downfall of the
Aprll 1986
American and British Common–
wealth peoples in detail!
Notice: "And the
remnant of
[not Jews] shall be in the
midst of many people [nations] as a
dew from the Lord, as the showers
upon the grass, that tarrieth not for
man, nor waiteth for tbe sons of
men" (verse 7). Remember that
dew and showers are absolutely
necessary to agricultura! productiv–
ity and are a symbol of national
blessing and wealth from God.
Continue: "And the
Jacob shall be among the Gentiles in
the midst of many people as a !ion
among the beasts of the forest, as a
young !ion among the flocks of
sheep: who, if he go through, both
treadeth down, and teareth in pieces,
and none can deliver" (verse
Again, this symbolism describes
the last generat ion of Israel as a
great power- as a !ion among the
other nations of the earth.
"Thine hand shall be lifted up
upon thine adversaries, and all
thine enemies shall be cut off"
or defeated. Their ene–
defeated from the begin–
ning of God's birthright blessing on
America and Britain starting about
1803, through the First World
War, the Second World
War, until the turning
point of the Korean War
at the end of 1950.
able to others. Modern Joseph did
But- we
are stitf-necked and
rebellious toward God and his law,
while our ancient forefather Joseph
served and obeyed God with a
whole heart.
our peoples
who have been
like a "lion" among the o the r
nations of the earth- preserving in
two great world wars the peace of
the world and stabil ity for all
human life on this planet!
Sudden Destructlon
Yet , in this detailed prophecy, God
says: "And it shall come to pass
saith the Lord, that
will cut off thy horses ["war–
horses," Moffatt translation] "–
tanks, ships, rockets-"out of the
midst of thee, and
will destroy thy
chariots: and
will cut off the cities
[by hydrogen bombs?] of thy
and throw down all thy strong
holds" (verses 10-1 1). (Notice, all
the strongholds.)
God says he 'will do this! God
determines the outcome of wars
(Ps. 33:10-19).
How plain can you get? Here
God identifies the great peoples of
the earth who are the most wealthy
and beneficent , the most
Since that t ime, howev–
er , t hese blessi ngs are
s urely bei ng taken
away-and neither Amer–
ica nor Britain has come
out on top in any major
confl ict since that time!
America, we print on
our money " In God
We Trust." But instead
So this prophecy shows
that at the very time we
were receiving God's
blessings, we were a tre–
mendous blessing to the
we rely on foreign allies and
our own human
ingenuity, not in God.
other nations of the earth- for it is
our peoples who have rescued the
other nat ions of the world time and
again through the Marshall Plan,
t he Poi n t Four program , the
Alliance for Progress, the hundreds
of millions of bushels of wheat for
starving nations.
The Hoover Program saved up
vast food supplies after World War
saved millions in other nations
from starvat ion!
Anciently J oseph saved up the
wheat and food and made it avail-
at the very time
their power reaches its zenith, he
suddenly "breaks" the pride of
their power (see Leviticus 26: 19),
cuts off
their implements of war
and destroys thei r cities! Why?
Because, as the prophet continues
to explain, we have too much "witch–
craft" and too many "soothsayers"
(astrology) and false ministers in our
lands who refuse to preach with
authority the commandments and
ways of the living God!
(Continued on page 20)