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joined the kingdom of Judah when
they were expelled by Jeroboam.
The 2,520 Years Punlshment
Dating from the captivity of
Israel - 721 to 718 B.C- that
nation entered its 2,520 years of
punishment as foretold in Leviticus
26. During this time the promises
made to Abraham of national
wealth, prosperity and dominance
were withheld from them. This
duration carried to the years 1800-
1804 when national supremacy and
economic dominance was to be–
come theirs. T his had to be,
because God had promised it
unconditionally to Abraham.
How they fi nally, beginning the
1800, regained the
nat ional dominance and wealth
God had unconditionally promised
Abraham is recorded in the book
The United States and Britain in
Prophecy .
Meanwhile, the Jews of the king–
dom of Judah were conquered and
removed from their land by King
Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon about
585 B.C.
Among the Jewish captives tak–
en to Babylon was a bri ll iant young
man, Daniel, a prophet who wrote
the book under his name in the
Bible. God used the prophet Daniel
as a go-between between the Eter–
na! and King Nebuchadnezzar.
This great gentile king had orga–
nized the world's first empire unit–
ing severa! nations under one gov–
ernment. God used Daniel to make
known to the Babylonian king that
the Creator God ruled over the
whole earth, and that Nebuchad–
nezzar held bis throne on ly by
God's will. Actual ly, God was giv–
ing this gentile king opportunity to
come under God's rule and have
the consequent blessings of God.
The prophecy of Daniel chapter
2 pictured a stupendous image, rep–
resenting Nebuchadnezzar's Chal–
dean Empire, to be followed by the
Persian Empire, and then, in turn,
the Greco-Macedonian Empire, the
Roman Empire, and the entire sys–
tem of human governments to be
destroyed and replaced by the king–
dom of God headed by Christ as
King of kings ruling all the earth.
The Gentlle World Government
The prophecies of Daniel 7 and of
Aprll 1986
Revelation 13 and 17 foretell the
same thing.
Of course, although Nebuchad–
nezzar acknowledged the existence
of God, he never obeyed. Mean–
while, God kept hands off the other
peoples of the world.
The Persian Empire succeeded
Nebuchadnezzar's Chaldean Em–
pire. Seventy years after the captivi–
ty of Judah and destruction of Solo–
mon's Temple God put it in the mind
of King Cyrus of Persia to send a
colony of captive Jews back to Jeru–
salem to build a second Temple.
This colony was headed by Zerub–
babel as governor. The prophets
Ezra and Nehemiah also joined this
colony in Jerusalem. Zerubbabel
bui lt the second Temple, to which
Jesus carne sorne 500 years later .
The Romans had come into power
before the birth of Jesus. Just prior
to the birth of Jesus, King Herod,
who ruled over Jews and served the
Romans, had remodeled and en–
larged the Temple.
This colony of Jews sent back to
respect to the various tribal identi–
ties today, but probably France or
at least the northern French are the
tribe of Reuben. Ephraim and
Manasseh journeyed on into the
British Isles. They became a colo–
nizing people, and according to
prophecy they were to lose thei r
first colony.
Name " Israel" Glven to Joseph's
The dying Jacob, who had been
renamed Israel , conferred the
birthright blessing on Joseph's two
sons, Ephraim and Manasseh .
Jacob, now renamed Israel, though
blind so he could not see the lads
before him,
crossed his hands,
"and Israel stretched out his right
hand, and laid it upon Ephraim's
head, who was the younger, and his
left hand upon Manasseh's head,
guiding his hands wittingly; for
Manasseh was the firstborn. And
he blessed Joseph, and said, God,
before whom my fathers Abraham
and Isaac did walk, the God which
Jerusalem sorne 500 years
before Christ had expand–
ed over the area of Judea.
None of the kingdom of
Israel had gone back to
Jerusalem in this colony.
They had migrated west
by northwest and lost their
Hebrew language, and
even the knowledge of
their identity. The world
has called them the Lost
Ten Tribes. More of them
he world in ·general,
mistakenly, has considered
tbat all Israelites were
was during this 500 years that
God sent so-called minor prophets
to the Jews in Judea. Also it was
during the latter part of this period
that Jewish elders altered points in
the religion started through Moses
into the Judaism found among
Jews in the lifetime of Jesus. The
stage was set for bis appearing.
Now Jet us return to the 10-tribed
kingdom of Israel. As stated above,
they bad, before the captivity of
Judah, migrated west by northwest.
The Assyrians settled in central
Europe, and the Germans, undoubt–
edly, are, in part, the descendants of
the ancient Assyrians.
However, the so-called Lost Ten
Tribes-the kingdom of Israel–
continued into western Europe and
Britain. We cannot be positive in
fed me all my life long unto this
day, the Angel which redeemed me
from all evil, bless the lads; and
my name be named on them,
the name of my fathers Abraham
and Isaac; and Jet them grow into a
multitude in the midst of the
earth" (Gen. 48:14- 16).
Continuing from
The United
States and Britain in Prophecy:
grow into this prom–
ised multitude? Let
descendants become that numer–
ous seed, which shall number into
billions? Not Judab, the father of
the Jews- note it!-but EPHRA–
the eyes and understanding of
church leaders and Bible students
been blinded to this plain fact of
Notice, Israel did not confer
this blessing on just one, but on