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(Continued from page 6)
tetracycline or erythromycin to
cure it.
The early symptoms of chla–
mydia infection, if there are any,
often go unnoticed- though the
damage can be irreversible. Studies
show that 20 percent of men and 30
to 40 percent of women with gonor–
rhea also have chlamydia.
King K. Holmes, an
STO authority in Seat–
Super-Gonorrhea Too
The first totally peni–
cillin-resistant strain of
gonorrhea was discov–
ered in the United
States in early 1976.
was thought to have
been introduced from
Asia where improper
self-treatment by pros–
titutes created super–
resistant strains. Since
Millions infected with
geni tal herpes find
social and personal
lives upset by
recurring sores,
blisters, fever or
discharge. The
life-lasting virus is a
suspected link in
many cases of
cervical cancer.
Herpes viruses In
human tissue, hlghly
"The real victims of today's STO
explosion are babies and mothers–
and would-be mothers,' ' said a gyne–
cologist. A very high chance exists
that an infant passing tbrough a
chlamydia-infected birth canal and
becoming infected will develop an
eye disease or pneumonia.
Chlamydia infection not only ster–
ilizes but causes strictures in female
sexual organs and is thought to be to
blame for alarming increases in
ectopic (tubal) pregnancies. "Since
each of tbese pregnancies represents
one fetal death, this constitutes an
epidemic of fetal deaths," says Dr.
then, promiscuous sexual behavior
has spread super-resistant gonor–
rhea to more and more nations of
the world.
Health officials around the world
are becoming worried as more and
more strains of gonorrhea become
resistant to all but the most
powerful and expensive antibiotics.
"All our steel-capped bullets are
turning into rubber," laments one
health official.
Another disturbing finding in
recent years amplifies man's futili–
ty in trying to control STO epidem–
ics by treating the effects and not
the causes. It was thought that
most males with a gonorrhea infec–
tion manifested early symptoms
that would cause them to seek
treatment. Many studies, however,
show that between 15 to as much as
50 percent or more of males
infected with gonorrhea are asymp-
Herpes: Scourgeof Sexual Revolution
uring the decade ot the
Seventies, genital herpes
suddenly exploded into a
full-fl edged epidemic that
swiftly cut through the ranks
of the sexually permissive.
Today this virus-caused
disease competes with
gonorrhea and chlamydia as
the most common STO
(sexually transmissible
disease) . Health officials
estímate scores of millions
are infected with this virus
that lasts a lifetime.
Though the disease is
rarely fatal to adults. a great
many persons infected with
genital herpes suffer
recurring infectious blisters
that upset their social and
personal lives. While the
frequently painful lesions
can olten be alleviated by
medicar treatment, the
disease is incurable since
the virus retreats deep into
So lar, every treatment
that has shown promise has
November/ December 1985
failed to knock out the virus.
" Genital herpes is the
disease which keeps many
venereal disease specialists
monogamous, " said one
health official.
While adult herpes
sufferers frequently find their
lives emotionally and socially
upset, greater tragedies
afflict the newborn. One
concern of the medica!
community is the rising
prevalence of genital herpes
infection during delivery of
the newly born offspring of
infected women. Hall of all
babies passing through a
herpes-infected birth canal
become infected. And one
quarter die or are brain
The virus is highly
suspect as a cause of many
miscarriages. Furthermore ,
there is a high correlation
between genital herpes
infections in women and
cancer of the cervix,
although the virus has not
been absolutely identifi ed as
the cause.
Again it is importan! to
make distinctions when
discussing the herpes
problem. There are severa!
types of herpes viruses.
Sorne manifest difieren!
symptoms or hit different
parts of the body.
Herpes simplex, type 1, is
a common, normally
nonvenereally passed virus
that causes cold sores on
the lips , mouth or above the
waist. This virus is usually
Ir ansferred by personal
contact with others, by
kissing or using the same
eating utensils during
periods of active infection.
Herpes simplex. type 1, is
often found in a third or
more of population groups.
Many children and adults
have it. This is the virus that
caused unnecessary panic
in the U.S. among
uninformed parents who
heard other schoolchildren
had herpes.
Genital herpes (herpes
simplex. type 2), however, is
almos! always transmitted in
sex-related contact.
Oral-genital sex practicas
also spread herpes viruses
lo reverse areas.
Autoinoculation from an
infected area can transfer
any herpes virus to other
openings. 11 is dangerous lo
transfer any herpes infection
to the eyes.
Because of the rapid
growth and emotionally
upsetting nature of genital
herpes. the American Social
Health Organization has
established a program called
Herpes Resource Center.
Herpes sufferers in the U.S.
needing assistance or
information on the nearest
sources of medica! advice
can send a self-addressed
envelope with their request
to HRC, Box 100, Palo Alto,
California, 94302. Persons in
international areas needing
help should contact their
nearest health agency.