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cannot die. What God gave them
was THIS EARTH as their abode and
opportunity to qualify to possess
and beautify the entire UNIVERSE.
Their penalty (they are still
awaiting final judgment up to now)
was disqualification- forfeiture of
their grand opportunity, perversion
of mind, and
a colossal earthwide
of destruction
wreaked upon this earth.
As a result, the earth carne to the
condition briefly described in Gen–
esis 1:2. Lucifer was created a per–
fect bringer of LIGHT. Now he
became author of DARKNESS, error,
confusion and evil.
So the rebellion of the angels
that sinned
Pet. 2:4-6; J ude 6-7;
Isa. 14:12-15; Ezek. 28:12-17)
brought this extreme cataclysm to
the earth.
How must God have looked at
this situation after the colossal
debacle of Lucifer and the angels
that sinned?
LUCIFER was created the most
perfect in beauty, mentality,
knowledge, power, intellect and
wisdom within the almighty power
of God to create in a being, with
power to think, reason, make
choices and decisions on his own.
God knew that no higher, more
perfect being c'ould be created as an
initial creation.
Origin of Demons
Yet this superior being, trained
and experienced at t h e very
throne of the GOVERNMENT OF
Goo over the universe, had
resorted to wrong reasoning and
made a diabolical, perverted deci–
sion. He worked on the angels
under him until he turned their
minds to rebellion also. This, inci–
dentally, might have taken Lucifer
millions of years. In al! probability
he had to begin perverting the
minds of his angels one at a time,
at first. He had to cause them to
feel dissatisfied, wronged by God,
and inject into them resentment
and bitterness.
When Lucifer allowed thoughts
of vanity, jealousy, envy, lust and
greed, then resentment and rebel–
Iion, to enter and occupy his
His mind became per–
verted, distorted, twisted!
thinking became warped. God
gave him and the angels control
over their own minds. They can
never straighten them out-never
again think rationally, honestly,
I have had a number of personal
experiences with demons through a
few demon-possessed people.
cast out demons through the name
of Christ and power of the Holy
Spirit. Sorne demons are silly, like
spoiled children. Sorne are crafty,
sharp, shrewd, subtile. Sorne are
belligerent, sorne are sassy, sorne
are sullen and morase. But
perverted, warped, twisted.
Do Satan and his demons affect
and even influence humans and
even governments today? Do evil
spirits affect even your own life?
These questions will be answered in
chapter four of this book.
As God surveyed this cataclys–
mic tragedy, he must have realized
that since the highest, most perfect
being within his almighty power to
create, had turned to rebellion, it
left God himself as the only being
would not
And God is the Father of the
divine God family or kingdom.
Notice John 1:1-5. The Word
who was "made flesh" (verse 14)
has existed always-from eterni–
ty-with the Father. God the
Father has created all things- the
entire universe- by him who
became Jesus Christ (Eph. 3:9;
Col. 1:16-17).
W·hen Jesus was on earth, he
prayed to God, his Father in heav–
en. The Father spoke of Jesus as
"t;ny beloved Son, in whom 1 am
well pleased." Jesus lived on earth
as a human, tempted in all points as
we are, yet without sin.
The fourth word in the English
Bible is "God" (Gen. 1:1 ). And the
original Hebrew word is
noun plural in form, like the
English word
family, church
The divine family is God.
There is one God-the one family,
consisting of more than one Per–
God saw that no being less than
God, in tbe God family, could be
relied on never ·to sin-to
be like God- who cannot sin. To
fulfill his purpose for the entire
vast universe, God saw that nothing
less than himself (as the God fami–
ly) could be absolutely relied upon
to carry out that supreme purpose
in the entire universe.
Humans Succeed Fallen
God then purposed
to reproduce
through humans, made in
his image and likeness, but made
first from material flesh and blood,
subject to death if there is sin unre–
pented of- yet with the possibility
of being born into the divine family
begotten by God the Father. God
saw how this could be done through
Christ, who gave himself for that
And that is why God put man on
the earth!
That is what caus.ed God
to do this most colossal, tremendous
thing ever undertaken by the
supreme, almighty God- to repro–
duce himself! The following chapter
will make this undeniably clear.
One last important cotnment
befare ending this chapter. God's
supreme overall purpose is to create,
even to the extent of reproducing
himself, and also that God must
reign supreme over all his creation.
Apparently God has chosen this
earth to become his universe head–
quarters, and the seat of even the throne of God. (See 1
Corinthians 15:24.) But Satan had
overthrown the government of God
on the earth. Now God purposed to
restare his government over the
earth through man, created in the
image of God and finally to become
part of the God family. We should
heed Paul 's admonition not to be
ignorant of Satan's existence, or of
his devices, nor let him get an advan–
tage of us (11 Cor. 2:11). Our
supremely important purpose will be
made clear in following chapters.
Good News
You have heard the saying about
"good news and bad news." The
latter part of this chapter has given
you the bad news. The good news is
God's purpose through mankind
and the fact that the two thirds of
the angels who are holy and righ–
teous outnumber the demons and
remain as God's invisible agents to
minister to and help in the righ–
teous character development of the
myriad of humans who shall yet
become the sons and heirs of the
Supreme God and members of the
great God family. o